我想要一个热键来告诉(礼貌地询问)Growl 显示有关 iTunes 中当前正在播放的内容的通知。
如果您更喜欢 GrowlTunes 提供的格式,您也可以创建使用它的脚本:
tell application "GrowlTunes" to show current track
我破解的 Applescript 如下。这与 iScrobbler 的 Growl 输出相匹配。感谢 The Tentacle 的工作!这里有关于如何设置 Quicksilver 以启动脚本的信息这里。
tell application "GrowlHelperApp"
-- Make a list of all the notification types
-- that this script will ever send:
set the allNotificationsList to {"iTunes Playing Track"}
-- Make a list of the notifications
-- that will be enabled by default.
-- Those not enabled by default can be enabled later
-- in the 'Applications' tab of the growl prefpane.
set the enabledNotificationsList to {"iTunes Playing Track"}
-- Register our script with growl.
-- You can optionally (as here) set a default icon
-- for this scripts notifications.
register as application "Growl iTunes Notification" all notifications allNotificationsList default notifications enabledNotificationsList icon of application "iTunes"
set title_text to "Null"
set body_text to ""
set body_temp to ""
set has_artwork to false
tell application "iTunes"
if player state is playing then
set trck to current track
if artworks of trck is not {} then
get artwork 1 of trck
set pic to data of result
set has_artwork to true
end if
set title_text to "Now Playing"
get name of trck
set body_text to "Track: " & result
get rating of trck
set rate to result / 20
repeat rate times
set body_temp to body_temp & "★"
end repeat
if rate is less than 5 then
repeat (5 - rate) times
set body_temp to body_temp & "☆"
end repeat
end if
set body_text to body_text & " (" & body_temp & ")" & return
get album of trck
set body_text to body_text & "Album: " & result & return
get artist of trck
set body_text to body_text & "Artist: " & result
end if
end tell
if has_artwork then
notify with name "iTunes Playing Track" title title_text description body_text application name "Growl iTunes Notification" pictImage the pic
notify with name "iTunes Playing Track" title title_text description body_text application name "Growl iTunes Notification" image from location "file:///Users/drewbeck/Library/Scripts/Custom/no_album.tiff"
end if
您需要一个 iTunes 插件。这里是。
您可以为此使用 applescript(不记得我从哪里得到它)——我将其编译为由 Quicksilver 触发的应用程序,以便在需要时立即收到正在播放的内容的通知,同时始终保持 iTunes 最小化:
tell application "GrowlHelperApp"
-- Make a list of all the notification types
-- that this script will ever send:
set the allNotificationsList to {"iTunes Playing Track"}
-- Make a list of the notifications
-- that will be enabled by default.
-- Those not enabled by default can be enabled later
-- in the 'Applications' tab of the growl prefpane.
set the enabledNotificationsList to {"iTunes Playing Track"}
-- Register our script with growl.
-- You can optionally (as here) set a default icon
-- for this scripts notifications.
register as application "Growl iTunes Notification" all notifications allNotificationsList default notifications enabledNotificationsList icon of application "iTunes"
set title_text to "Nothing playing"
set body_text to ""
set has_artwork to false
tell application "iTunes"
if player state is playing then
set trck to current track
if artworks of trck is not {} then
get artwork 1 of trck
set pic to data of result
set has_artwork to true
end if
get name of trck
set title_text to result
get time of trck
set title_time to result
set body_text to title_time & " =["
get rating of trck
set rate to result / 20
repeat rate times
set body_text to body_text & " ❤ "
end repeat
get artist of trck
set body_text to body_text & "] ❧ " & result
get album of trck
set body_text to body_text & " ⇒ " & result
end if
end tell
if has_artwork then
notify with name "iTunes Playing Track" title title_text description body_text application name "Growl iTunes Notification" pictImage the pic
notify with name "iTunes Playing Track" title title_text description body_text application name "Growl iTunes Notification"
end if
end tell