如何在 Ubuntu 中更新我的 Firefox?

如何在 Ubuntu 中更新我的 Firefox?

如何在 Ubuntu 中更新我的 Firefox。



如果你想更新 Ubuntu 打包版本之外的 Firefox 版本,我建议你使用Ubuntu。它不仅适用于此版本,还可以为您获取未来的更新。

Ubuntuzilla 项目是一个 Python 脚本,允许用户在 Ubuntu Linux 上安装最新版本的 Mozilla Firefox、Mozilla SeaMonkey 和 Mozilla Thunderbird。它还适用于 Ubuntu 衍生的其他 Linux 发行版。

以下是从 ubuntuzilla 项目页面中精选的功能列表:

* Automatically detects and downloads the newest Firefox, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey release from the Mozilla servers
* Allows you to make a choice of language for Firefox or Thunderbird
* Verifies the GPG signature (assures package integrity against malicious tampering or corrupt download) for Firefox or Thunderbird
* Verifies the MD5 sum for SeaMonkey
* Makes a date-stamped back-up of your Firefox, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey profile data
* Automatically integrates Firefox plugins that you have installed from the Ubuntu repositories
* Installs the new Firefox in /opt/firefox, Thunderbird in /opt/thunderbird, SeaMonkey in /opt/seamonkey
* Creates a SeaMonkey menu item in Applications -> Internet menu
* Checks all steps for successful execution
* Has a 'remove' action to remove the official Mozilla build and restore system to pre-installation state.
* Installs an update checker job that periodically performs automatic checks for new versions of Firefox, Thunderbird, or Seamonkey.
* Automatically checks for the latest Ubuntuzilla release and updates itself, to keep up with possible changes in the Mozilla website and release servers.
* Comes conveniently packaged in a .deb for easy installation
* Includes a very helpful man page, for those who don't like to read websites. 

大约一年前我开始使用 ubuntuzilla,从那以后就再也没有觉得有必要恢复。它的最佳功能是,它允许您通过手动提供要升级到的版本轻松安装测试版。



Ubuntu 的更新管理器应该负责 Firefox 更新。


或者你可以尝试使用 Firefox法比安·塔辛斯 PPA ,将其添加到您的来源。
