如何强制 Aero Peek 保持向上

如何强制 Aero Peek 保持向上

假设我的应用程序中正在播放视频。如果我将鼠标悬停在任务栏上,它会显示一个小的弹出窗口来显示视频(aero peek)。有时我正在运行最大化的窗口,我希望这个小屏幕始终弹出。




我记得自从 Windows 95 左右以来,我一直想找到一种方法,在编写代码、写作或做其他工作时在 PC 上观看电影(使其“始终处于最前面”)。最后,借助 Vista 及其“DWM 桌面组合”,我能够创建一个简单的应用程序来做到这一点:您可以克隆屏幕上的任何窗口,并在始终保持在所有其他窗口之上的小缩略图中观看它(即使它没有鼠标焦点)。


如果你想要的是一个停留在当前窗口顶部的小框,为什么不使用VLC 媒体播放器


小盒子里的 vlc 视频




* Watch videos in a "picture in picture" type box. Very useful for online videos where you have lots of content you don't want to be shown while you watch videos.
* Create live thumbnail previews that stay put. Close them by double-clicking on the preview.
* Resize the thumbnail previews by dragging the borders.
* Crop thumbnail previews by holding down the Ctrl key and dragging the borders. Get rid of all that white space around your YouTube videos you watch!
* Move the previews around and dock them to any edge of the screen.
* Make the previews stay on top of all other windows.
* Make the previews transparent, both visually and to input. This means that you can see through the previews and click on items beneath it! Very useful when you want to watch a video while doing other work in another window.
* Create these special thumbnail previews easily by using a tray icon or even easier, by just minimizing the window!
