如何在 iWork Numbers 中交换表格中的列和行(转置)?

如何在 iWork Numbers 中交换表格中的列和行(转置)?

我想转置表格(将行与列互换,反之亦然)。如何在 iWork Numbers 中执行此操作。


我编写了一个简单的 AppleScript 来实现这个功能。

tell application "Numbers"
    tell the front document
        tell the first sheet
            set original_range to selection range of first table

            set orignal_table to first table
            set number_of_columns to column count of orignal_table
            set number_of_rows to row count of orignal_table
            set trasposed_table to make new table with properties {row count:number_of_columns, column count:number_of_rows}

            repeat with i from 1 to number_of_columns
                repeat with j from 1 to number_of_rows
                    tell orignal_table
                        set original_value to the value of cell i of row j
                    end tell
                    tell trasposed_table
                        set the value of cell j of row i to original_value
                    end tell
                end repeat
            end repeat

        end tell
    end tell
end tell



使用最新版本 Numbers 的用户可以使用“表格”菜单下的“转置行和列”选项,如图所示StackExchange 上的这个答案。下面的图片也厚颜无耻地从那个答案中‘借用’了,以方便参考。
