可恢复的 bash 会话,带有分支维护

可恢复的 bash 会话,带有分支维护

是否有一个实用程序可以简化 bash 会话的存储和恢复?我希望能够做 EG

$ KUNG=pao
$ foo commit  # saves the current environment
              # as an anonymous changeset from the previous savepoint
$ SCHNICKENS="What's up, doc?"
$ SCHNICKENS="$(echo Schmoove)"
$ unset KUNG
$ foo diff HEAD  # outputs a $(set) of commands
                 # which comprise the current changeset
unset KUNG;
$ foo branch edit-su-question  # creates a new branch with that name
$ foo merge master  # updates the current environment
                    # with any changes made to ~/.bashrc
                    # since it was branched or last merged
$ function fierce_fist_of_foo {
      cut -f 2 | xargs -I {} bash foo {} '>>' ffof.out;
$ foo checkout master  # switches current branch
                       # to the one checked out by ~/.bashrc
$ foo commit -m "learned the fierce_fist_of_foo technique"
  # new interactive `bash` invocations now load that function

鉴于它与git命令集的相似性,我很想使用一个粗俗的词语,或者 Smashing Pumpkins 专辑名称作为本例中的命令名称。但它很好foo

我对这一概念可行性的信心主要基于这样的假设:set从 bash shell 运行将为您提供一个可调用的脚本,该脚本将恢复该环境。我不确定这是否完全正确。




 # "commit"
 env > saved_state

 # "checkout"
 source saved_state

其余一切都是界面糖。甚至可以编写脚本saved_state自动将文件放入某个 git 存储库中,以便使用 进行浏览tig

