

所以一周前我问了一个问题,> 这里 ,问题是关于排序的。如果我使用此代码来排序和创建文件:

tail -n +2 File1.txt |
  split -l1 --filter='
      head -n 1 File2.txt &&
        cat <(tail -n +2 File2.txt) - |
        sort -n -r -k4 
   ; } > "$FILE"'


我之前使用 LC_ALL=C 解决了这个问题,但似乎只工作了1次,所以我不知道真正的问题是什么。如果我专门打印并排序该列,它可以工作,但不能在这段代码中使用。

也许是因为一次要做的事情太多了?我有 151 列,其中注释了不同的数据,我只想对第 43 列和 151 列进行排序,但我仍然需要新的排序文件。请帮帮我。



col 1   col 2       col 3       col 4   col 5 
chr3    31663820    31663820    0.713   3

col 1               col 2       col 3   col 4 
chr3                33093371    3.753   4

我刚刚用 python 编写了一个快速脚本,因为它感觉更容易理解。当在命令行上给出两个文件时,它会根据该行的硬编码部分对它们进行排序,但这显然可以更改。目前,它还会针对您输入的每个字段对列表进行一次排序。但同样可以更新排序函数以按所需顺序返回浮点数元组,而不是用于比较的单个浮点数。

#! /usr/bin/python

# own_sort.py
# ./own_sort.py 'unique values file' 'duplicate values file'

# allows access to command line arguments.
import sys

# this is just to get some example inputs
test_line = 'chr3    39597927    39597927    8.721   5'
phylop_col = (test_line.find('8.721'), test_line.find('8.721')+7)

# this will return a sorting function with the particular column start and end
# positions desired, so its easy to change
def return_sorting_func(col_start, col_end):
    # a sorting key for pythons built in sort. the key must take a single element, 
    # and return something for the sort function to compare.
    def sorting_func(line):
        # use the exact location, ie how many characters from the start of the line.
        field = line[phylop_col[0]: phylop_col[1]]
            # if this field has a float, return it
            return float(field)
        except ValueError:
            # else return a default
            return float('-inf')  # will give default of lowest rank
            # return 0.0  # default value of 0
    return sorting_func

if __name__ == '__main__':
    uniq_list = []
    dups_list = []

    # read both files into their own lists
    with open(sys.argv[1]) as uniqs, open(sys.argv[2]) as dups:
        uniq_list = list(uniqs.readlines())
        dups_list = list(dups.readlines())

    # and sort, using our key function from above, with relevant start and end positions
    # and reverse the resulting list.
    combined_list = sorted(uniq_list[1:] + dups_list[1:], 
            key=return_sorting_func(phylop_col[0], phylop_col[1]), 

    # to print out, cut off end of line (newline) and print header and footer around other 
    # results, which can then be piped from stdout.
    for line in combined_list:


~$>cat unique_data.txt 
chromosoom  start    end       phylop   GPS
chr1    28745756    28745756    7.905   5   
chr1    31227215    31227215    10.263  5
chr1    47562402    47562402    2.322   4
chr1    64859630    64859630    1.714   3
chr1    70805699    70805699    1.913   2
chr1    89760653    89760653    -0.1    0
chr1    95630169    95630169    -1.651  -1
~$>cat dups_data.txt 
chromosoom  start    end       phylop   GPS
chr3    15540407    15540407    -1.391  -1
chr3    30648039    30648039    2.214   3
chr3    31663820    31663820    0.713   3
chr3    33093371    33093371    3.753   4
chr3    37050398    37050398    1.650   2
chr3    38053456    38053456    1.1     1
chr3    39597927    39597927    8.721   5
~$>cat dups_data_with_gaps_1.txt 
chromosoom  start    end       phylop   GPS
chr3    15540407    15540407    -1.391  -1
chr3    30648039    30648039    2.214   3
chr3    31663820    31663820    0.713   3
chr3                33093371    3.753   4
chr3    37050398    37050398    1.650   2
chr3    38053456    38053456    1.1     1
chr3    39597927                8.721   5


~$>./own_sort.py unique_data.txt dups_data_with_gaps_1.txt
chromosoom  start    end       phylop   GPS
chr1    31227215    31227215    10.263  5
chr3    39597927    39597927    8.721   5
chr1    28745756    28745756    7.905   5   
chr3    33093371    33093371    3.753   4
chr1    47562402    47562402    2.322   4
chr3    30648039    30648039    2.214   3
chr1    70805699    70805699    1.913   2
chr1    64859630    64859630    1.714   3
chr3    37050398    37050398    1.650   2
chr3    38053456    38053456    1.1     1
chr3    31663820    31663820    0.713   3
chr1    89760653    89760653    -0.1    0
chr3    15540407    15540407    -1.391  -1
chr1    95630169    95630169    -1.651  -1
chromosoom  start    end       phylop   GPS


~$>cat dups_data_with_gaps_2.txt 
chromosoom  start    end       phylop   GPS
chr3    15540407    15540407    -1.391  -1
chr3    30648039    30648039            3
chr3    31663820    31663820    0.713   3
chr3    33093371    33093371    3.753   4
chr3    37050398    37050398    1.650   2
chr3    38053456    38053456    1.1     1
chr3    39597927    39597927    8.721   5
~$>./own_sort.py unique_data.txt dups_data_with_gaps_2.txt 
chromosoom  start    end       phylop   GPS
chr1    31227215    31227215    10.263  5
chr3    39597927    39597927    8.721   5
chr1    28745756    28745756    7.905   5   
chr3    33093371    33093371    3.753   4
chr1    47562402    47562402    2.322   4
chr1    70805699    70805699    1.913   2
chr1    64859630    64859630    1.714   3
chr3    37050398    37050398    1.650   2
chr3    38053456    38053456    1.1     1
chr3    31663820    31663820    0.713   3
chr1    89760653    89760653    -0.1    0
chr3    15540407    15540407    -1.391  -1
chr1    95630169    95630169    -1.651  -1
chr3    30648039    30648039            3
chromosoom  start    end       phylop   GPS


~$>./own_sort.py unique_data.txt dups_data.txt | head -n -1 | tail -n +2 | grep -Fn  -f unique_data.txt 
1:chr1    31227215    31227215    10.263  5
3:chr1    28745756    28745756    7.905   5   
5:chr1    47562402    47562402    2.322   4
7:chr1    70805699    70805699    1.913   2
8:chr1    64859630    64859630    1.714   3
12:chr1    89760653    89760653    -0.1    0
14:chr1    95630169    95630169    -1.651  -1

grep 将对字符串进行排序 ( -F),并输出行号 ( -n) 并从文件中读取要搜索的字符串 ( -f unique_data.txt)

