防止 CIFS 挂载不断查询 SMB 共享 Keep-Alive

防止 CIFS 挂载不断查询 SMB 共享 Keep-Alive

我有一个 fstab 挂载点定义如下:

//host.local /media/share1 cifs noexec,nofail,auto,nouser,_netdev,credentials=/home/foo/.smbcredentials,gid=1000,uid=1000,rw 0 0

网络共享在本地 NAS 服务器 (QNAP) 上可用,配置为在不活动后 15 分钟内暂停磁盘存储。当使用 nautilus 浏览 samba 共享时,这是按预期工作的。然而,当使用 cifs 挂载时,客户端会定期使用看似空的请求“Command: Create (5)”或 Keep-Alive“Command: KeepAlive (13)”查询 NAS。 NAS 以“STATUS_SUCCESS -> Create Action: The file Been and wasopened (1)”或 Keep-Alive 响应进行响应。

SMB2 (Server Message Block Protocol version 2)
SMB2 Header
    Server Component: SMB2
    Header Length: 64
    Credit Charge: 1
    Channel Sequence: 0
    Reserved: 0000
    Command: Create (5)
    Credits requested: 2
    Flags: 0x00000000
    Chain Offset: 0x00000000
    Message ID: Unknown (299)
    Process Id: 0x00000ba6
    Tree Id: 0x79c61208
    Session Id: 0x00000000448e3aa5
    Signature: 00000000000000000000000000000000
    [Response in: 1748]
Create Request (0x05)
    StructureSize: 0x0039
        0000 0000 0011 100. = Fixed Part Length: 28
        .... .... .... ...1 = Dynamic Part: True
    Oplock: No oplock (0x00)
    Impersonation level: Impersonation (2)
    Create Flags: 0x0000000000000000
    Reserved: 0000000000000000
    Access Mask: 0x00000080
    File Attributes: 0x00000000
    Share Access: 0x00000007, Read, Write, Delete
    Disposition: Open (if file exists open it, else fail) (1)
    Create Options: 0x00000000
        Offset: 0x00000078
        Length: 0
    ExtraInfo: NO DATA
        Offset: 0x00000000
        Length: 0

我能否以某种方式使 cifs 不定期 ping NAS 共享,以便 NAS 最终可以进入待机状态?否则,NAS 会持续处于活动状态、发出噪音,并且可能会过热。
