我可以使用什么软件来读取 png 元数据?

我可以使用什么软件来读取 png 元数据?

我知道我可以创建一个基于 Qt 的简单应用程序,使用 QImage.setText(...) 和 QImage.text(...) 添加和读取 png 元数据。然后可以使用名为 pngmeta 的 Linux 命令读取该元数据。

但是我可以使用哪些其他图像软件来读取 png 元数据?

请注意,我正在寻找适用于常见平台的图像程序,因此请说明您的应用程序是适用于 Windows 还是 Linux。


带有元数据的 img

谢谢 Johan




identify -verbose image.png

ImageMagick应该是跨平台的。我在 Linux 上用你附加的图片试过了:

  日期:2010-12-08 09:45


另一个选择是调整PNG在 Windows 上。

我发现在显示Hans Müller图像中的名称时遇到了问题,所以也许它不适用于 Unicode 元数据。



如果您正在寻找仅限 PNG 的解决方案,请尝试pngchunks

$ sudo apt-get install pngtools
$ pngchunks UiagX.png
Chunk: Data Length 13 (max 2147483647), Type 1380206665 [IHDR]
  Critical, public, PNG 1.2 compliant, unsafe to copy
  IHDR Width: 800
  IHDR Height: 600
  IHDR Bitdepth: 8
  IHDR Colortype: 2
  IHDR Compression: 0
  IHDR Filter: 0
  IHDR Interlace: 0
  IHDR Compression algorithm is Deflate
  IHDR Filter method is type zero (None, Sub, Up, Average, Paeth)
  IHDR Interlacing is disabled
  Chunk CRC: 353637671
Chunk: Data Length 9 (max 2147483647), Type 1935231088 [pHYs]
  Ancillary, public, PNG 1.2 compliant, safe to copy
  ... Unknown chunk type
  Chunk CRC: 10132504
Chunk: Data Length 19 (max 2147483647), Type 1951942004 [tEXt]
  Ancillary, public, PNG 1.2 compliant, safe to copy
  ... Unknown chunk type
  Chunk CRC: -1325924661
Chunk: Data Length 21 (max 2147483647), Type 1951942004 [tEXt]
  Ancillary, public, PNG 1.2 compliant, safe to copy
  ... Unknown chunk type
  Chunk CRC: 134517081
Chunk: Data Length 58 (max 2147483647), Type 1951945850 [zTXt]
  Ancillary, public, PNG 1.2 compliant, safe to copy
  ... Unknown chunk type
  Chunk CRC: 1701487776
Chunk: Data Length 572939 (max 2147483647), Type 1413563465 [IDAT]
  Critical, public, PNG 1.2 compliant, unsafe to copy
  IDAT contains image data
  Chunk CRC: 1174233759
Chunk: Data Length 0 (max 2147483647), Type 1145980233 [IEND]
  Critical, public, PNG 1.2 compliant, unsafe to copy
  IEND contains no data
  Chunk CRC: -1371381630


$ pnginfo UiagX.png
  Image Width: 800 Image Length: 600
  Bitdepth (Bits/Sample): 8
  Channels (Samples/Pixel): 3
  Pixel depth (Pixel Depth): 24
  Colour Type (Photometric Interpretation): RGB 
  Image filter: Single row per byte filter 
  Interlacing: No interlacing 
  Compression Scheme: Deflate method 8, 32k window
  Resolution: 2835, 2835 (pixels per meter)
  FillOrder: msb-to-lsb
  Byte Order: Network (Big Endian)
  Number of text strings: 3 of 9
    Author (tEXt uncompressed): Hans Müller
    Date (tEXt uncompressed): 2010-12-08 09:45
    Desc (tEXt uncompressed): A long time ago in a galaxy far far away....


如上所述在另一个问题中, 您可以使用png检查

pngcheck -c -v -t foobar.png

这些是显示 PNG 块的相关选项:

-7  print contents of tEXt chunks, escape chars >=128 (for 7-bit terminals)
-c  colorize output (for ANSI terminals)
-p  print contents of PLTE, tRNS, hIST, sPLT and PPLT (can be used with -q)
-t  print contents of tEXt chunks (can be used with -q)
-v  test verbosely (print most chunk data)
