`-rw-r--r--` 末尾的点代表什么?如何用 `chmod` 设置它?

`-rw-r--r--` 末尾的点代表什么?如何用 `chmod` 设置它?

Linux 下我的目录中的某些文件的.权限列表末尾有一个。

  • 末尾的点代表什么意思-rw-r--r--
  • 您如何设置它chmod


根据ls.c(第 3785 行),.意味着SELinux 访问控制列表. (+通用访问控制列表


我也有同样的问题。我花了一段时间才找到这个,浏览了“man ls”页面一百次(好吧,也许没有那么频繁),直到我终于在“另请参阅”部分看到了有关使用命令的说明:

 info coreutils 'ls invocation'


 Following the file mode bits is a single character that specifies
 whether an alternate access method such as an access control list
 applies to the file.  When the character following the file mode
 bits is a space, there is no alternate access method.  When it is
 a printing character, then there is such a method.

 GNU `ls' uses a `.' character to indicate a file with an SELinux
 security context, but no other alternate access method.

 A file with any other combination of alternate access methods is
 marked with a `+' character.


这是 SELinux 上下文。尝试ls -Z /your/file

引用我的man ls

   SELinux options:

          Display security context.   Enable -l. Lines will probably be too wide for most displays.

   -Z, --context
          Display security context so it fits on most displays.  Displays only mode, user, group, security context and file name.

          Display only security context and file name.

要更改此设置,请尝试以下命令之一:chconsemanage fcontextrestorecon

这里解释得很清楚: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/Security-Enhanced_Linux/sect-Security-Enhanced_Linux-Working_with_SELinux-SELinux_Contexts_Labeling_Files.html


这很可能是由于访问控制列表(ACL)尽管我只看到它们显示为+rw-rw-rw-+也许这.意味着该文件缺少 ACL。

您可以尝试getfacl .在当前目录中输入内容,看看这些文件可能具有哪些访问控制。
