Excel 2010 宏的下标/上标热键?

Excel 2010 宏的下标/上标热键?


在 Excel 2010 中,由于某些荒谬的原因,没有内置热键(甚至工具栏上也没有按钮)用于在文本单元格内为文本添加下标/上标。

但是,突出显示文本,右键单击选择,单击format,然后选中[x] subscript[x] superscript复选框。


是否有任何类型的 Excel 宏或解决方法可以将两个键盘热键分别映射到下标和上标键?

(它应该只有两行代码 - 一行用于事件处理程序,一行用于实际的过程调用...我会自己写一个,但我的 VBA 最多是生疏的,而且我很有信心可能已经有某种解决方案了,尽管我无法通过搜索引擎找到一个)




    Sub Super_Sub()
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+D
' If the characters are surrounded by "<" & ">" then they will be subscripted
' If the characters are surrounded by "{" & "}" then they will be superscripted
Dim NumSub
Dim NumSuper
Dim SubL
Dim SubR
Dim SuperL
Dim SuperR
Dim CheckSub, CheckSuper as Boolean
Dim CounterSub, CounterSuper as Integer
Dim aCell, CurrSelection As Range

For Each c In Selection

CheckSub = True
CounterSub = 0
CheckSuper = True
CounterSuper = 0
aCell = ActiveCell
NumSub = Len(aCell) - Len(Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(aCell, "<", ""))
    NumSuper = Len(aCell) - Len(Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(aCell, "{", ""))
If Len(aCell) = 0 Then Exit Sub
If IsError(Application.Find("<", ActiveCell, 1)) = False Then
    Do While CounterSub <= 1000
        SubL = Application.Find("<", ActiveCell, 1)
        SubR = Application.Find(">", ActiveCell, 1)
        ActiveCell.Characters(SubL, 1).Delete
        ActiveCell.Characters(SubR - 1, 1).Delete
        ActiveCell.Characters(SubL, SubR - SubL - 1).Font.Subscript = True
        CounterSub = CounterSub + 1
        If CounterSub = NumSub Then
            CheckSub = False
        Exit Do
        End If
Loop Until CheckSub = False
End If
If IsError(Application.Find("{", ActiveCell, 1)) = False Then
    Do While CounterSuper <= 1000
        SuperL = Application.Find("{", ActiveCell, 1)
        SuperR = Application.Find("}", ActiveCell, 1)
        ActiveCell.Characters(SuperL, 1).Delete
        ActiveCell.Characters(SuperR - 1, 1).Delete
        ActiveCell.Characters(SuperL, SuperR - SuperL - 1).Font.Superscript = True
        CounterSuper = CounterSuper + 1
        If CounterSuper = NumSuper Then
            CheckSuper = False
            Exit Do
        End If
Loop Until CheckSuper = False
End If

End Sub


我刚刚添加了 ScottS 提供的代码,因此可以使用“^”或“_”作为字符前缀。请注意,如果使用这些字符,则所有后续字符都将被下标/上标。例如,Q_in (m^3/s) 将无法正确显示,您需要使用 ScottS 的语法来实现这一点:Q< in> (m{3}/s)。此处的代码适用于 ScottS 的语法,但也包括“_”和“^”选项,例如 Q_in 或 Q_supply gas,其中“supply gas”带有下标。

对于不熟悉宏的人:如果您的 Excel 中没有“开发人员”选项卡,则需要启用它并将工作表保存为启用宏的工作表。Office 按钮(左上角的圆形按钮)> 单击右下角的“Excel 选项”> 查看“常用”选项卡,选中“在功能区中显示开发人员选项卡”



    Sub Super_Sub_mod()
' Keyboard Shortcut: set in "options" of macro window (alt+F8 in spreadsheet view)
' If the characters are preceded by an underscore "_" then they will be subscripted
' If the characters are preceded by "^" then they will be superscripted
Dim NumSub
Dim NumSuper
Dim SubL
Dim SubR
Dim SuperL
Dim SuperR
Dim CheckSub, CheckSuper As Boolean
Dim CounterSub, CounterSuper As Integer
Dim aCell, CurrSelection As Range

For Each c In Selection

CheckSub = True
CounterSub = 0
CheckSuper = True
CounterSuper = 0
aCell = ActiveCell

'all following "_"
If Len(aCell) = 0 Then Exit Sub
If IsError(Application.Find("_", ActiveCell, 1)) = False Then
NumSub = Len(aCell) - Len(Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(aCell, "_", ""))
    Do While CounterSub <= 1000
        SubL = Application.Find("_", ActiveCell, 1)
        SubR = Len(ActiveCell)
        ActiveCell.Characters(SubL, 1).Delete
        ActiveCell.Characters(SubL, SubR - SubL).Font.subscript = True
        CounterSub = CounterSub + 1
        If CounterSub = NumSub Then
            CheckSub = False
        Exit Do
        End If
Loop Until CheckSub = False
End If
'select region "<text>"
If IsError(Application.Find("<", ActiveCell, 1)) = False Then
NumSub = Len(aCell) - Len(Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(aCell, "<", ""))
    Do While CounterSub <= 1000
        SubL = Application.Find("<", ActiveCell, 1)
        SubR = Application.Find(">", ActiveCell, 1)
        ActiveCell.Characters(SubL, 1).Delete
        ActiveCell.Characters(SubR - 1, 1).Delete
        ActiveCell.Characters(SubL, SubR - SubL - 1).Font.subscript = True
        CounterSub = CounterSub + 1
        If CounterSub = NumSub Then
            CheckSub = False
        Exit Do
        End If
Loop Until CheckSub = False
End If
'all following "_"
If IsError(Application.Find("^", ActiveCell, 1)) = False Then
NumSuper = Len(aCell) - Len(Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(aCell, "^", ""))
    Do While CounterSuper <= 1000
        SuperL = Application.Find("^", ActiveCell, 1)
        ActiveCell.Characters(SuperL, 1).Delete
        ActiveCell.Characters(SuperL, SuperR - SuperL).Font.Superscript = True
        CounterSuper = CounterSuper + 1
        If CounterSuper = NumSuper Then
            CheckSuper = False
            Exit Do
        End If
Loop Until CheckSuper = False
End If
'select region "{text}"
If IsError(Application.Find("{", ActiveCell, 1)) = False Then
NumSuper = Len(aCell) - Len(Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(aCell, "{", ""))
    Do While CounterSuper <= 1000
        SuperL = Application.Find("{", ActiveCell, 1)
        SuperR = Application.Find("}", ActiveCell, 1)
        ActiveCell.Characters(SuperL, 1).Delete
        ActiveCell.Characters(SuperR - 1, 1).Delete
        ActiveCell.Characters(SuperL, SuperR - SuperL - 1).Font.Superscript = True
        CounterSuper = CounterSuper + 1
        If CounterSuper = NumSuper Then
            CheckSuper = False
            Exit Do
        End If
Loop Until CheckSuper = False
End If

End Sub


假设您想要突出显示单元格内的文本,而不仅仅是选定的文本,请使用您想要的任何热键和以下 VBA 创建一个宏:

ActiveCell.Font.Superscript = True



Sub sscript()
' sscript Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+G
' If the characters are surrounded by "<" & ">" then they will be subscripted
' If the characters are surrounded by "{" & "}" then they will be superscripted
Dim NumSub
Dim NumSuper
Dim SubL
Dim SubR
Dim SuperL
Dim SuperR
Dim CheckSub, CheckSuper As Boolean
Dim CounterSub, CounterSuper As Integer
Dim aCell, CurrSelection As Range

For Each c In Selection

CheckSub = True
CounterSub = 0
CheckSuper = True
CounterSuper = 0
aCell = ActiveCell
NumSub = Len(aCell) - Len(Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(aCell, "_", ""))
    NumSuper = Len(aCell) - Len(Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(aCell, "^", ""))
If Len(aCell) = 0 Then Exit Sub
If IsError(Application.Find("_", ActiveCell, 1)) = False Then
    Do While CounterSub <= 1000
        SubL = InStr(1, ActiveCell, "_", vbTextCompare)
        SubR = InStr(1, ActiveCell, "_", vbTextCompare) + 1
        ActiveCell.Characters(SubL, 1).Delete
        ActiveCell.Characters(SubL, 1).Font.subscript = True
        CounterSub = CounterSub + 1
        If CounterSub = NumSub Then
            CheckSub = False
        Exit Do
        End If
Loop Until CheckSub = False
End If
If IsError(Application.Find("^", ActiveCell, 1)) = False Then
    Do While CounterSuper <= 1000
        SuperL = InStr(1, ActiveCell, "^", vbTextCompare)
        SuperR = InStr(1, ActiveCell, "^", vbTextCompare) + 1
        ActiveCell.Characters(SuperL, 1).Delete
        ActiveCell.Characters(SuperL, 1).Font.Superscript = True
        CounterSuper = CounterSuper + 1
        If CounterSuper = NumSuper Then
            CheckSuper = False
            Exit Do
        End If
Loop Until CheckSuper = False
End If

End Sub
