如何重命名 mp3 ID3 文件中的批量标题标签

如何重命名 mp3 ID3 文件中的批量标题标签

我有几个文件夹包含 mp3 文件(文件夹名称为 CD#1 CD#2),每个文件夹中有几个文件。我重命名了专辑名称并更改了曲目编号,这样我的 iPod 就可以将其存储为一本长有声读物。

但是标题名称混乱了,我想重命名标题以便显示曲目 1、曲目 2 等。

我尝试使用 mp3tag,但无法创建动态标题名称(即每个文件都应有下一个编号的曲目 1、曲目 2)。




具体来说:使用重命名模式Track %n,然后使用模式读回%t



2021 年,包含下载的视频包的硬盘目录结构被破坏了。



我添加了错误检查以跳过标题为 $null 的文件或已重命名为该标题的文件。文件名中的非法字符将被替换为下划线“_”。我添加了一个计数器以防有多个具有相同标题的文件,并将该数字附加到文件名中。

我花了一点时间才明白我所学习的示例代码中实际上不需要什么。$PrevT 仅用于调试,这样我才能看到它在文件列表中的进度。

$file   = ""
$Title  = ""
$blah   = 0
#$PrevT = ""
#$illegalchars2 = [string]::join('',([System.IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars())) -replace '\\','\\'
$illegalchars2 = '"<>|:*?\\/'
$LocalDir = 'K:\recup_folders\recup_dir.1\temp\'
$FType    = '.mp4'
$AllFiles = Get-ChildItem $LocalDir -Filter *.mp4
$ShellApplication = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application

foreach ($SingleFile in $AllFiles)
    $blah   = $blah + 1
    $folder = ShellApplication.Namespace($SingleFile.Directory.FullName)         
    $file   = $folder.ParseName($SingleFile.Name)
    $Title  = $file.ExtendedProperty('System.Title')
    #$FixT   = ([char[]]$Title | where { [IO.Path]::GetinvalidFileNameChars() -notcontains $_ }) -join ''
    $FixT   = $Title
    $FixedT = $FixT -replace "[$illegalchars2]",'_'

    if ($null -ne $Title)
        $OldName = "$LocalDir$Singlefile"
        $NewName = "$LocalDir$FixedT$FType"
        #"Previous: $PrevT"
        "Current File: $Singlefile"
        "Unfixed Title: $Title"
        "FixedT: $FixedT"
        "OldName: $OldName"
        if ($OldName -eq $NewName)
        { 'Skipping file already fixed.' }
            if ((Test-Path -Path $NewName -PathType Leaf))
                "Repeat File detected: $NewName"
                $NewName = "$LocalDir$FixedT($blah)$FType"
            "Final New Name: $NewName"
            Rename-Item $OldName -NewName $NewName
        #$PrevT = $Title
    else { "Skipping blank Title file: $Singlefile" }


Current File: 00PM - Four Points by Sheraton Orlando ✅.mp4
Unfixed Title: Flat Earth Meetup Florida - April 14 - 7:00PM - Four Points by Sheraton Orlando ✅
FixedT: Flat Earth Meetup Florida - April 14 - 7_00PM - Four Points by Sheraton Orlando ✅
OldName: K:\recup_folders\recup_dir.1\temp\00PM - Four Points by Sheraton Orlando ✅.mp4
Final New Name: K:\recup_folders\recup_dir.1\temp\Flat Earth Meetup Florida - April 14 - 7_00PM - Four Points by Sheraton Orlando ✅.mp4

Current File: Black Death talks Flat Earth on Heavy Metal Relics ✅.mp4
Unfixed Title: Black Death talks Flat Earth on Heavy Metal Relics ✅
FixedT: Black Death talks Flat Earth on Heavy Metal Relics ✅
OldName: K:\recup_folders\recup_dir.1\temp\Black Death talks Flat Earth on Heavy Metal Relics ✅.mp4
Skipping file already fixed.
Current File: f11860480.mp4
Unfixed Title: Flat Earth Man "Welcome to the Satellite Hoax" ✅
FixedT: Flat Earth Man _Welcome to the Satellite Hoax_ ✅
OldName: K:\recup_folders\recup_dir.1\temp\f11860480.mp4
Final New Name: K:\recup_folders\recup_dir.1\temp\Flat Earth Man _Welcome to the Satellite Hoax_ ✅.mp4

Current File: f11981680.mp4
Unfixed Title: Flat Earth Man "Welcome to the Satellite Hoax" ✅
FixedT: Flat Earth Man _Welcome to the Satellite Hoax_ ✅
OldName: K:\recup1\recup_folders\recup_dir.1\temp\f11981680.mp4
Repeat File detected: K:\recup_folders\recup_dir.1\temp\Flat Earth Man _Welcome to the Satellite Hoax_ ✅.mp4
Final New Name: K:\recup_folders\recup_dir.1\temp\Flat Earth Man _Welcome to the Satellite Hoax_ ✅(4).mp4

Current File: f13881504.mp4
Unfixed Title: Example: <of> /bad\ *bad?
FixedT: Example_ _of_ _bad_ _bad_
OldName: K:\recup_folders\recup_dir.1\temp\f13881504.mp4
Final New Name: K:\recup_folders\recup_dir.1\temp\Example_ _of_ _bad_ _bad_.mp4

Skipping blank Title file: f18489568.mp4
Current File: Rock and Roll Flat Earth Song  Music - The Zetetic Astronomers by Neo Retros - Mark Sargent ✅.mp4
Unfixed Title: Rock and Roll Flat Earth Song / Music - The Zetetic Astronomers by Neo Retros - Mark Sargent ✅
FixedT: Rock and Roll Flat Earth Song _ Music - The Zetetic Astronomers by Neo Retros - Mark Sargent ✅
OldName: K:\recup_folders\recup_dir.1\temp\Rock and Roll Flat Earth Song  Music - The Zetetic Astronomers by Neo Retros - Mark Sargent ✅.mp4
Final New Name: K:\recup_folders\recup_dir.1\temp\Rock and Roll Flat Earth Song _ Music - The Zetetic Astronomers by Neo Retros - Mark Sargent ✅.mp4

