安装 Ubuntu 时出现问题

安装 Ubuntu 时出现问题

由于 Windows 很乱,我正尝试在我的计算机上安装 Ubuntu。


Preparing to install Ubuntu

For best results, pleaase ensure that this computer: 

(green check) has at least 4.6 GB available drive space    
(green check) is plugged into a power source
(green check) is connected to the Internet   

(checked) Download updates while installing

Ubuntu uses third part software...

(checked) Install this third-part software

Fluendo MP3 plugin...


The installer has detected that the following disks have mounted partitions:


Do you want the installer to try and unmount the partitions on these disks 
before continuing? If you leave them mounted, you will not be able to create, 
delete, or resize partitions on these disks, but you may be able to install 
to existing partitions there.

我选择“是”,因为我不想弄乱任何 Windows 分区。



