

我在 Motorola SBV5121E 调制解调器后面安装了 CAW7740N 路由器,有时连接速度非常慢。每次我都发现路由器安全日志中有类似的条目:

08/12/2011  22:03:44 DHCP Client: [WAN]Receive Ack from xx.xx.xx.xx,Lease time=3600
08/12/2011  22:03:44 DHCP Client: [WAN]Send Request, Request IP=xx.xx.xx.xx

它通常发生在类似网络应用程序的网站上,例如 Facebook 或 Flickr,而且经常发生在我同时快速加载多个页面时。我认为如果我关闭路由器防火墙,速度就不会变慢。或者旧的摩托罗拉调制解调器会不会有问题?


Stateful Packet Inspection:

SPI and Anti-DoS firewall protection: on
RIP defect: off
Discard Ping To WAN Interface: on

Stateful Packet Inspection:

Packet Fragmentation: on
TCP Connection: on
UDP Session: on
FTP Service: on
H.323 Service: on
TFTP  Service: on

Connection Policy:
Fragmentation half-open wait: 10sec
TCP SYN wait: 30sec
TCP FIN wait: 5sec
TCP connection idle timeout: 3600sec
UDP session idle timeout: 30sec
H.323 data channel idle timeout: 180sec

DoS Detect Criteria:
Total incomplete TCP/UDP sessions HIGH: 300 session
Total incomplete TCP/UDP sessions LOW: 250 session
Incomplete TCP/UDP sessions (per min) HIGH: 250 session
Incomplete TCP/UDP sessions (per min) LOW: 200 session
Maximum incomplete TCP/UDP sessions number from same host: 50
Incomplete TCP/UDP sessions detect sensitive time period: 500msec
Maximum half-open fragmentation packet number from same host: 150   
Half-open fragmentation detect sensitive time period: 10000msec
Flooding cracker block time: 300sec



我发现这似乎是周一生产的。在极少数情况下,Phillips CAW7740N 路由器会很慢,防火墙会崩溃,有时会冻结。

