如何删除/更改窗口标题栏以使 XP 看起来像 Windows 7?

如何删除/更改窗口标题栏以使 XP 看起来像 Windows 7?

有没有什么方法可以更改或删除 Windows XP 窗口标题栏中的文本?

我希望它看起来像 Windows 7 或 Vista。


事实上,没有主题就无法实现。下载主题适用于 Windows XP 并享受外观。您还可以下载阿斯顿这是用于更改 XP 主题的非常酷的工具。百叶窗是另一个很酷的工具。


Windows 7 提供了很多新功能以及全新设计的界面。它看起来与 Windows Vista 非常相似,但 GUI 有很多变化,例如重新设计的任务栏、资源管理器、新的启动屏幕和登录屏幕等。

如果您仍在使用 Windows XP 但想享受新的 Windows 7 外观,那么本教程一定会对您有所帮助。

按照本教程操作后,您将在 Windows XP 中获得相同的 Windows 7 外观。以下是按照本教程操作后将会发生改变的事项列表:

Windows Theme or Visual Style
Boot Screen
Login Screen or Welcome Screen
Progress Dialog Box
Shutdown / Log off Dialog Box
About Windows Box
System Properties Dialog Box
Volume Control Window
Extras like "Aero Shake", "Aero Snap", "Aero Peek", "Calculator" and "Paint"
A Few Other Mods...

NOTE 1: If you want to download all BITMAPs, AVIs and other files mentioned in this tutorial in a single pack, you can download it using this link.

NOTE 2: Please create a Restore point using "System Restore" before applying anything mentioned in this tutorial so that you can restore your system back to default if you don't like the changes.

Also take a backup of system files before modifying them, so that you can restore them if anything goes wrong or you don't like the new change.

NOTE 3: If you are facing problems while saving a file after editing in resource hacker, then make sure you have disabled WFP (Windows File Protection) service using "WFP Patcher" or use "Replacer" to replace the file. Both utilities can be found in our "Download" section.

Also if you are getting error "Can't create file...", that means you have edited and saved the same file in past and there is a backup file which needs to be deleted before saving this file again. Go to the folder containing this file and you'll see a similar file having "_original" in its name. Delete it and try to save the file in resource hacker.


