Recording what people show me on my computer

Recording what people show me on my computer

Possible Duplicate:
Free desktop recording / screencasting on windows
What is the best software for desktop recording?

Sometimes people come to show me stuff on my computer, and I would like tools to capture what they are showing me. I am mainly thinking of screenshots, but there are also videos of course.

I know many tools for screenshots, but it must be a tool for dumping a screen/window very quickly, wWithout specifying file-name, for example.

I have 4 monitors, one is usually a Debian VM, where I sometimes want to record commands – it is a problem to seperate commands entered in different terminals.


If you're trying to capture multi-step instructions, you might be better off with something like RecordMyDesktop for Ubuntu or CamStudio for windows. They make video recordings of what's going on on the desktop that you can play back later.
