几个月前我问过是否有程序或方法可以访问最近的 Finder 窗口/位置?
我不知道如何查看最近修改的文件,但最近打开的文件以十六进制格式存储在 com.apple.recentitems.plist 中。这个 MacScripter 线程包含一个用于获取文件路径的处理程序,但它在 10.8 中停止工作。
on datatoposix(x)
set f to (open for access POSIX file ("/tmp/datatoposix.dat") with write permission)
repeat with d in x
set eof f to 0
-- Write the data object to the file.
write d's contents to f
-- Reset the file mark to byte 21.
read f from 21 for 0
set POSIXpath to ""
-- Read the next 8 bytes as a string and get the characters' IDs.
set idList to id of (read f for 8 as string)
-- Finish when IDs 2 to 8 aren't the values for "path item".
if (idList does not end with {0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0}) then exit repeat
-- Get the byte length of the item's name from the first ID.
set len to beginning of idList
-- Read that number of bytes as UTF-8 and append the result to the POSIX path.
set POSIXpath to POSIXpath & ("/" & (read f for len as «class utf8»))
-- Advance the file mark past any padding.
read f for (4 - len mod 4) mod 4
end repeat
set d's contents to POSIXpath
end repeat
on error msg
display dialog msg
end try
close access f
end datatoposix
tell application "System Events"
tell property list file "~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.recentitems.plist"
set l to property list item "RecentDocuments"'s property list item ¬
"CustomListItems"'s property list items's property list item "Bookmark"'s value
end tell
end tell