如何配置 Windows 7 命令提示符的代理服务器设置

如何配置 Windows 7 命令提示符的代理服务器设置

我在控制面板的 Internet 设置中维护了代理设置,并且它在大多数 GUI 应用程序中都可以使用,但我想让它在命令提示符中工作。有没有办法将它设置为会话的命令提示符?


命令提示符不需要代理设置。您从命令提示符调用的程序需要代理设置。这些程序的工作方式与大多数 GUI 应用程序相同,因为它们要么从控制面板(即系统范围设置)获取代理设置,要么有某种方式将代理参数传递给程序或为程序创建配置。命令行程序通常会从您为其设置的环境变量中获取代理信息。不过,这完全取决于程序。




  1. 查看 TCP/IP 设置
  2. 重置 TCP/IP 堆栈
  3. 删除 arp 缓存
  4. 配置计算机的 IP 地址和其他 TCP/IP 相关设置
  5. 导入/导出您的 TCP/IP 设置
  6. 配置防火墙
  7. 显示网络参数
  8. 启动 GUI 网络诊断程序



netsh [-a AliasFile] [-c Context] [-r RemoteMachine] [-u [DomainName\]UserName] [-p Password | *] [Command | -f ScriptFile]



?              - Displays a list of commands.
add            - Adds a configuration entry to a list of entries.
advfirewall    - Changes to the `netsh advfirewall' context.
bridge         - Changes to the `netsh bridge' context.
delete         - Deletes a configuration entry from a list of entries.
dhcpclient     - Changes to the `netsh dhcpclient' context.
dnsclient      - Changes to the `netsh dnsclient' context.
dump           - Displays a configuration script.
exec           - Runs a script file.
firewall       - Changes to the `netsh firewall' context.
help           - Displays a list of commands.
http           - Changes to the `netsh http' context.
interface      - Changes to the `netsh interface' context.
ipsec          - Changes to the `netsh ipsec' context.
lan            - Changes to the `netsh lan' context.
mbn            - Changes to the `netsh mbn' context.
namespace      - Changes to the `netsh namespace' context.
nap            - Changes to the `netsh nap' context.
netio          - Changes to the `netsh netio' context.
p2p            - Changes to the `netsh p2p' context.
ras            - Changes to the `netsh ras' context.
rpc            - Changes to the `netsh rpc' context.
set            - Updates configuration settings.
show           - Displays information.
trace          - Changes to the `netsh trace' context.
wcn            - Changes to the `netsh wcn' context.
wfp            - Changes to the `netsh wfp' context.
winhttp        - Changes to the `netsh winhttp' context.
winsock        - Changes to the `netsh winsock' context.
wlan           - Changes to the `netsh wlan' context.


 advfirewall bridge dhcpclient dnsclient firewall http interface ipsec lan mbn n
amespace nap netio p2p ras rpc trace wcn wfp winhttp winsock wlan
