无法让 compton/picom 与 i3 manjaro(社区版本)一起运行

无法让 compton/picom 与 i3 manjaro(社区版本)一起运行


[ 03/01/20 15:24:08.887 parse_config_libconfig WARN ] Option `no-dock-shadow` is deprecated, and will be removed. Please use the wintype option `shadow` of `dock` instead.
    [ 03/01/20 15:24:08.887 parse_config_libconfig WARN ] vsync option will take a boolean from now on. "none" is interpreted as "false" for compatibility, but this will stop working soon
    [ 03/01/20 15:24:08.887 parse_config_libconfig WARN ] glx-swap-method has been deprecated since v6, your setting "undefined" should be removed.
    [ 03/01/20 15:24:08.887 parse_config_libconfig WARN ] "clear-shadow" is removed as an option, and is always enabled now. Consider removing it from your config file
    [ 03/01/20 15:24:08.887 parse_config_libconfig WARN ] "paint-on-overlay" has been removed as an option, and is enabled whenever possible


[ 03/01/20 15:42:33.943 parse_config_libconfig WARN ] Option `no-dock-shadow` is deprecated, and will be removed. Please use the wintype option `shadow` of `dock` instead.
[ 03/01/20 15:42:33.944 parse_config_libconfig WARN ] vsync option will take a boolean from now on. "none" is interpreted as "false" for compatibility, but this will stop working soon
[ 03/01/20 15:42:33.944 parse_config_libconfig WARN ] glx-swap-method has been deprecated since v6, your setting "undefined" should be removed.
[ 03/01/20 15:42:33.944 parse_config_libconfig WARN ] "clear-shadow" is removed as an option, and is always enabled now. Consider removing it from your config file
[ 03/01/20 15:42:33.944 parse_config_libconfig WARN ] "paint-on-overlay" has been removed as an option, and is enabled whenever possible
[ 03/01/20 15:42:33.944 session_init WARN ] This compositor has been renamed to "picom", the "compton" binary will not be installed in the future.


inxi -Gxx | grep compositor

我的 i3 配置文件中也有这一行:

# picom
exec_always --no-startup-id picom --config ~/.config/picom/picom.conf

我不确定他们要求我在这里做什么,因为 compton 命令提到“compton”尚未重命名为“picom”,所以我想我只需要更改 .conf 文件名等即可,但这确实如此不行。


这是您添加到 i3 配置文件的路径=

# picom
exec_always --no-startup-id picom --config ~/.config/picom/picom.conf

对于我的情况,路径是单个 PICOM,所以我的路径是 =picom --config ~/.config/picom.conf

