我使用 Picasa 来管理照片。我最近从 Windows 计算机换成了 Mac,因此我使用外部硬盘将照片从旧计算机传输到新计算机。起初一切都很好,但现在 Picasa 的文件日期似乎与照片元数据中的日期不同(在某些情况下相隔 20 年)。它似乎随机重新标注了我所有照片的日期。因此,它们不再按日期顺序排序。
因此,这里有一个示例脚本,它将根据嵌入的 EXIF 数据将图像文件批量重命名为以拍摄图像的日期和时间开头的标准。它还会执行其他一些操作。您需要根据自己的需要对其进行调整。我将相机名称包含在图像名称中,以防日期/时间发生冲突,因为这可以帮助我知道是谁拍摄了照片。如果名称发生冲突,它还会在名称末尾添加一个序列号。
您可能可以修改它以仅使用一个。它是一个 BASH 脚本,因此应该可以在任何可以运行 BASH 和两个助手的地方工作 - 我经常使用 Cygwin 在 Windows 笔记本电脑上运行它。
# Rename camera files to a standard
# jhead (jhead -n%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S-Camera Name.jpg)
# exiftool, exiv2, exif
case $1 in
echo ' '
echo 'Rename a folder full of files to match the date/time taken and the camera model:'
echo ' "IMG_0001.jpg" ==> "2007-05-30 13-24-05-Canon PowerShot A720 IS.jpg"'
echo ' Adds a letter to end of name if the result is not unique'
echo ' '
echo 'Please use as:'
echo ' rename.sh folderName [t]'
echo 'Where:'
echo ' folderName is absolute or relative to current folder'
echo ' t, if present prints the command that would be used'
echo ' '
echo 'Requirements:'
echo ' 1) jhead (detects camera type)'
echo ' 2) exiftool (renames non-jpg files)'
echo ' '
echo 'Use the following workflow:'
echo ' 1) Copy files and folders from the camera(s) to a temp folder'
echo ' 2) Run this against the temp folder and check the renames'
echo ' 3) Manually rename any left-overs'
echo ' 4) Add IPTC comments, locations, etc.'
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
#echo 'You need to specify the folder to work on (end with a trailing /)'
## use pwd instead
if [ -x /usr/bin/jhead ]; then
# Check if starts with leading / if not, then prepend pwd for safety
# NB: Note the substring processing: ${varname:start:numChars}
if [ ${FOLDER:0:1} != '/' ]; then
# Add trailing / if required
if [ ${FOLDER:${#FOLDER}-1:1} != '/' ]; then
echo "$FOLDER"
cd "$FOLDER"
# Make sure all files are writable
chmod +w *
# Turn upper case extensions into lower case <== CANCEL THIS, the case helps id the camera
#echo "rename 's/\.JPG$/.jpg/' *.JPG"
#/usr/bin/rename 's/\.JPG$/.jpg/' *.JPG
# The above seems to have stopped working for some reason, try this instead
#echo "/usr/bin/rename '.JPG' '.jpg' *.JPG"
#/usr/bin/rename '.JPG' '.jpg' *.JPG
## REPLACE jhead WITH exiftool
ARTIST1=" '-IPTC:By-line=Julian Knight, http://www.knightnet.org.uk/contact.htm?toname=JulianPhotos' "
ARTIST2=" '-IPTC:By-line=James Knight, http://www.knightnet.org.uk/contact.htm?toname=JamesPhotos' "
COPYRIGHT=" '-IPTC:CopyrightNotice<Copyright © ${CreateDate} Julian Knight, all rights reserved' -d '%Y' "
## IPTC meta (Creator, Rights in XMP)
## Move to folders: ./mm-mmm
echo "jhead -model A70 -exonly -nf'%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S-Canon PowerShot A70' -ft *.jpg"
jhead -model A70 -exonly -nf'%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S-Canon PowerShot A70' -ft *.jpg
echo "jhead -model A720 -exonly -nf'%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S-Canon PowerShot A720 IS' -ft *.jpg"
jhead -model A720 -exonly -nf'%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S-Canon PowerShot A720 IS' -ft *.jpg
echo "jhead -model A720 -exonly -nf'%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S-Canon PowerShot A720 IS' -ft *.JPG"
jhead -model A720 -exonly -nf'%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S-Canon PowerShot A720 IS' -ft *.JPG
echo "jhead -model Hero -exonly -nf'%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S-MDA Compact III' -ft *.jpg"
jhead -model Hero -exonly -nf'%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S-MDA Compact III' -ft *.jpg
echo "jhead -model T8282 -exonly -nf'%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S-HTC Touch HD' -ft *.jpg"
jhead -model T8282 -exonly -nf'%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S-HTC Touch HD' -ft *.jpg
echo "jhead -model DCR-PC120E -exonly -nf'%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S-Sony DCR-PC120E' -ft *.jpg"
jhead -model DCR-PC120E -exonly -nf'%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S-Sony DCR-PC120E' -ft *.jpg
echo "jhead -model D90 -exonly -nf'%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S-NIKON D90' -ft *.JPG"
jhead -model D90 -exonly -nf'%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S-NIKON D90' -ft *.JPG
# James' Samsung S860 Make: Samsung Techwin, Model: <KENOX S860 / Samsung S860>
echo "jhead -model S860 -exonly -nf'%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S-Samsung S860' -ft sdc?????.jpg"
jhead -model S860 -exonly -nf'%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S-Samsung S860' -ft sdc?????.jpg
#exiftool '-if $make eq "Samsung Techwin"' '-if $model eq "<KENOX S860 / Samsung S860>"' -overwrite_original_in_place sdc?????.jpg
# Deal with .NEF (Nikon Raw) files (rename to YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS-NIKON D90-DSC_????.NEF)
exiftool '-FileName<${CreateDate}-NIKON D90-%f.%e' -d '%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S' DSC_????.NEF
# Use %c to add seq num where required
# Deal with .AVI files (rename to YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS-NIKON D90-DSC_????.AVI)
exiftool '-FileName<${FileModifyDate}-NIKON D90-%f.%e' -d '%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S' DSC_????.AVI
# Deal with .AVI files (rename to YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS-Samsung S860-sdc?????.avi)
exiftool '-FileName<${FileModifyDate}-Samsung S860-%f.%e' -d '%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S' sdc?????.avi
echo ' '
echo ' '
echo 'You need to install jhead first'
请注意,如果您想包含相机名称,则需要找出您的相机在 EXIF 数据中使用的制造商名称,并相应地更改命令。