在 MacBook Pro 上,更改休眠模式时可以使用哪些其他数字?

在 MacBook Pro 上,更改休眠模式时可以使用哪些其他数字?

MacBook Pro 的默认睡眠设置会将当前会话保留在 RAM 上,因此需要的电量很少。终端中有一个 sudo 命令,可以通过将会话数据发送到硬盘驱动器并减少“深度睡眠”模式下的电量消耗来改变此方法。

该命令是: sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 25

您可以使用以下命令切换回常规睡眠状态: sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 3

我想知道的是,如果使用 3 到 25 之间的不同整数会发生什么。在休眠模式下,唤醒非常笨重(与正常睡眠相比),大约需要 20 秒。现在,我意识到这是因为必须从硬盘驱动器中提取会话,因此中间数字不一定有任何不同。





你可以把事情搞乱 - 坚持 0、3 或 25。

 hibernatemode takes a bitfield argument defining SafeSleep behavior. Passing 0 disables SafeSleep alto-gether, altogether,
 gether, forcing the computer into a regular sleep.

 ____ ___1 (bit 0) enables hibernation; causes OS X to write memory state to hibernation image at sleep
 time. On wake (without bit 1 set) OS X will resume from the hibernation image. Bit 0 set (without bit 1
 set) causes OS X to write memory state and immediately hibernate at sleep time.

 ____ __1_ (bit 1), in conjunction with bit 0, causes OS X to maintain system state in memory and leave
 system power on until battery level drops below a near empty threshold (This enables quicker wakeup
 from memory while battery power is available). Upon nearly emptying the battery, OS X shuts off all
 system power and hibernates; on wake the system will resume from hibernation image, not from memory.

 ____ 1___ (bit 3) encourages the dynamic pager to page out inactive pages prior to hibernation, for a
 smaller memory footprint.

 ___1 ____ (bit 4) encourages the dynamic pager to page out more aggressively prior to hibernation, for
 a smaller memory footprint.

 We do not recommend modifying hibernation settings. Any changes you make are not supported. If you
 choose to do so anyway, we recommend using one of these three settings. For your sake and mine, please
 don't use anything other 0, 3, or 25.

 hibernatemode = 0 (binary 0000) by default on supported desktops. The system will not back memory up to
 persistent storage. The system must wake from the contents of memory; the system will lose context on
 power loss. This is, historically, plain old sleep.

 hibernatemode = 3 (binary 0011) by default on supported portables. The system will store a copy of mem-ory memory
 ory to persistent storage (the disk), and will power memory during sleep. The system will wake from
 memory, unless a power loss forces it to restore from disk image.

 hibernatemode = 25 (binary 0001 1001) is only settable via pmset. The system will store a copy of mem-ory memory
 ory to persistent storage (the disk), and will remove power to memory. The system will restore from
 disk image. If you want "hibernation" - slower sleeps, slower wakes, and better battery life, you
 should use this setting.

 Please note that hibernatefile may only point to a file located on the root volume.
