在 OSX 中自动执行 VPN 连接等任务?

在 OSX 中自动执行 VPN 连接等任务?

我正在使用学校的 VPN 服务浏览 Netflix。我大部分时间都必须连接到 VPN。我的学校使用 Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client。每次连接时我都必须输入密码并接受横幅。有没有办法在 OS X 上自动完成此连接?


如果您使用 OS X 来控制您的连接: 在此处输入图片描述

出现这种情况的原因是您正在连接的 Cisco 盒子强制交互。这实际上是 Cisco VPN 聚合器上的一项强制安全性设置。根据 Cisco 与 Apple 达成的协议(Cisco 和 Apple 均表示),Apple 不提供规避(Apple Script/Automator)的功能。我之前调查过这个问题,这是双方给我的答案。

Cisco OS X VPN 客户端也是如此。


是的,您可以使用 AppleScript 自动执行此操作。


-- 1. Place in ~/Library/Scripts and enable the Applescript menu via the Applescript Editor
--    (Or export to .app to run from spotlight.)
-- 2. Substitute "vpn.example.com", "username" and "redacted" for your VPN server and password
-- 3. Open Security & Privacy System Preferences, go to Privacy, Accessibility
-- 4. Enable Applescript Editor and System UI Server (or for this .app if so exported)
-- 5. Trigger script from the menu (or run from spotlight)
-- 6. Enjoy being connected
-- 7. Run script again to close connection

-- AnyConnect now refered to as targetApp
set targetApp to "Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client"

-- Determine if AnyConnect is currently running
tell application "System Events"
    set processExists to exists process targetApp
end tell

-- Close connection if running; else start connection and fill in password
if processExists is true then
    tell application targetApp
    end tell
    tell application targetApp
    end tell

    tell application "System Events"
        repeat until (window 1 of process targetApp exists)
            delay 1
        end repeat
        tell process targetApp
            keystroke ("vpn.example.com" as string)
            keystroke return
        end tell
        repeat until (window 2 of process targetApp exists)
            delay 1
        end repeat
        tell process targetApp
            keystroke (tab) using {shift down}
            keystroke ("username" as string)
            keystroke tab
            keystroke ("redacted" as string)
            keystroke return
        end tell
        delay 1
        tell process targetApp
            keystroke return
        end tell

    end tell
end if

