创建无打印页面比例的 PDF

创建无打印页面比例的 PDF

我需要生成一个 PDF 文档,其中页面缩放的打印选项设置为“无”或“实际大小”

文档中的此设置意味着,当您在 Adob​​e Reader 或其他 PDF 阅读器中打开文档时,默认设置将是“不缩小此页面以适合打印机边距”

在 Adob​​e Reader 10 中,我想要控制的设置位于“打印”对话框和“页面大小和处理”下的“大小选项”选项,我希望文档默认为“实际大小”而不是“缩小超大页面”。

我已经与我的消息来源进行了交流,并测试了使用 Adob​​e 标准版创建/保存 PDF 文档,您可以将文档的视图属性设置为该精确属性的默认值,而 Adob​​e Reader 将遵守该默认值,而不是使用 Adob​​e Reader 默认值 shink。

我使用 PDF Creator 1.5.0 来“打印”pfd 文档,该文档似乎允许将 PostScript 应用于文档。但是,如果其他 PDF 打印机适合我的目的并且有此选项,我可以使用它。我在 PDF Creator 设置中没有看到任何用于控制它的 GUI 选项。

我很确定我可以使用 ghostscript 来应用属性,但我需要知道如何去做。

更新:我一直在查看 Adob​​e pdf 规范,我正在寻找的文档属性似乎在 PDF 1.6 规范中。

12.2 查看器首选项 文档目录中的 ViewerPreferences 条目(参见 7.7.2,“文档目录”)指定查看器首选项词典 (PDF 1.2),用于控制文档在屏幕上或打印时的显示方式。如果没有指定这样的词典,则符合要求的读者应根据他们自己的当前用户首选项设置行事。表 150 显示了查看器首选项词典的内容。

PrintScaling -(可选;PDF 1.6)显示此文档的打印对话框时应选择的页面缩放选项。有效值为 None(表示无页面缩放)和 AppDefault(表示符合要求的阅读器的默认打印缩放)。如果此条目具有无法识别的值,则应使用 AppDefault。默认值:AppDefault。如果打印对话框被抑制并且其参数由其他来源提供,则仍应遵守此条目。

这正是我想要通过第三方 PDF 打印机软件或 ghostscript 进行控制的。我不是 PDF 专家,也不知道该怎么做。

更新:我使用 Pdf Creator 开发了一个解决方案,并将该解决方案编辑为可接受的答案。我还研究了以下内容,这些内容在使用 API 生成 pdf 时具有应用潜力。
实体文档 pdf

編輯- 还提供 C# 版本


/PrintScaling /None这可以通过在字典中指定来实现ViewerPreferences(参见第 12.2 节ISO 32000-1:2008

更新: 尝试这个:

[ {Catalog} << /ViewerPreferences << /PrintScaling /None >> >> /PUT


更新:来自 Poster
最终的解决方案是使用 PDF Creator 的“操作”功能将上述后记行添加到 PDF Creator 生成的后记中。(保存前的操作)


我也用这个链接作为行动的灵感,并查看了预先安装的 vbs 脚本,以弄清楚需要做什么才能将信息添加到转换为 pdf 的 postscript 文件中。

PDFCreator 文档视图设置- 似乎 PdfCreator 中曾经包含类似的脚本。

无论如何,这是我的最终脚本,可以添加到 Pdf Creator 以添加 PrintScaling 默认属性。

' SetPrintScalingNone.vbs script
' Author: Collin Kulbacki
' Version:
' Date: Oct 18, 2012
' Comment: This script Sets the ViewerPrefferences Print Scalling to none.

Option Explicit

Const AppTitle = "PDFCreator - SetPrintScallingNone"
Const ForReading = 1, ForAppending = 8

Dim objArgs, objNetwork, section, ini, fso, f
Dim fname, key, psFile, strTitle,  printScalingFile

Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments

If objArgs.Count = 0 Then
 MsgBox "This script needs a parameter!", vbExclamation, AppTitle
End If

fname = objArgs(0)

Set ini = New IniFile
ini.Load fName, true

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
printScalingFile = fso.GetParentFolderName(fName) & "\" & GenerateGUID & ".ps"
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(printScalingFile, ForAppending, True)
f.writeline "[ {Catalog} << /ViewerPreferences << /PrintScaling /None >> >> /PUT pdfmark"


Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")

set section = ini.AddSection(GenerateGUID)
section.AddKey("SessionId").Value = " "
section.AddKey("WinStation").Value = " "
section.AddKey("UserName").Value = objNetwork.UserName
section.AddKey("ClientComputer").Value = objNetwork.ComputerName
section.AddKey("SpoolFileName").Value = printScalingFile
section.AddKey("PrinterName").Value = " "
section.AddKey("JobId").Value = " "
section.AddKey("DocumentTitle").Value = "PrintScaling"

ini.Save fName, true


Private Function GenerateGUID()
 GenerateGUID = Replace(Mid(CreateObject("Scriptlet.TypeLib").GUID, 2, 36), "-", "")
End Function

' http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/21896/INI-Reader-Writer-Class-for-C-VB-NET-and-VBScript
' IniFile class used to read a nd write ini files by loading the file into memory
Class IniFile
    'List of IniSection objects keeps track of all the sections in the INI file
    Private m_pSections, OpenAsUnicode
    'Public constructor
    Public Sub Class_Initialize()
        Set m_pSections = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        m_pSections.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
    End Sub

    'Returns an array of the IniSections in the IniFile
    Public Property Get Sections
         Sections = m_pSections.Items
    End Property

    'Load IniFile object with existing INI Data
    Public Sub Load( ByVal sFileName , ByVal bAppend )
        Dim intAsc1Chr, intAsc2Chr
        If Not bAppend Then RemoveAllSections() ' Clear the object...

        Dim objFSO : Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
        Dim tempsection : Set tempsection = Nothing
        'Dim oReader : Set oReader = objFSO.OpenTextFile( sFileName, , , format )
        Dim oReader, Stream
        Set Stream = objFSO.OpenTextFile(sFileName, 1, False)
        intAsc1Chr = Asc(Stream.Read(1))
        intAsc2Chr = Asc(Stream.Read(1))

        ' (255, 254 == FF, FE -> UniCode) Or (91, 0 == [ '\0' -> Widechar inf file from pdfcmon.dll)
        If (intAsc1Chr = 255 And intAsc2Chr = 254) Or (intAsc1Chr = 91 And intAsc2Chr = 0) Then 
            OpenAsUnicode = True
            OpenAsUnicode = False
        End If

        Set oReader = objFSO.OpenTextFile( sFileName, 1, 0, OpenAsUnicode )
        Dim regexsection : set regexsection = new regexp 
        Dim regexkey : Set regexkey = new regexp
        Dim regexcomment : Set regexcomment = new regexp

        regexcomment.Pattern = "^([\s]*#.*)"
        regexcomment.Global = False
        regexcomment.IgnoreCase = True
        regexcomment.MultiLine = False

        ' Left for history
        'regexsection.Pattern = "\[[\s]*([^\[\s].*[^\s\]])[\s]*\]"
        'regexsection.Pattern = "^[\s]*\[[\s]*([^\[\s].*[^\s\]])[\s]*\][\s]*$"
        regexsection.Pattern = "^\s*\[\s*(.*[^\s])\s*\]\s*$"
        regexsection.Global = False
        regexsection.IgnoreCase = True
        regexsection.MultiLine = False

        regexkey.Pattern = "^\s*([^=\s]*)[^=]*=(.*)" 
        regexkey.Global = False
        regexkey.IgnoreCase = True
        regexkey.MultiLine = False

        While Not oReader.AtEndOfStream
            Dim line : line = oReader.ReadLine()
            If line <> "" Then
                Dim m
                If regexcomment.Test(line) Then
                    Set m = regexcomment.Execute(line)
                    'WScript.Echo("Skipping Comment " & m.Item(0).subMatches.Item(0) )
                ElseIf regexsection.Test(line) Then
                    Set m = regexsection.Execute(line)
                    'WScript.Echo("Adding section [" & m.Item(0).subMatches.Item(0) &"]" )
                    Set tempsection = AddSection( m.Item(0).subMatches.Item(0) )
                ElseIf regexkey.Test(line) And Not tempsection Is Nothing Then
                    Set m = regexkey.Execute(line)
                    'WScript.Echo("Adding Key ["& m.Item(0).subMatches.Item(0) &"]=["& m.Item(0).subMatches.Item(1) &"]" )
                    tempsection.AddKey( m.Item(0).subMatches.Item(0) ).Value = m.Item(0).subMatches.Item(1)
                ElseIf Not tempsection Is Nothing Then
                    'WScript.Echo("Adding Key ["& line &"]" )
                    tempsection.AddKey( line )
                 '   WScript.Echo("Skipping unknown type of data: " & line)
                End If
            End If
    End Sub

    'Allows you to do a save the IniFile resident in memory to file
    Public Sub Save(ByVal sFileName, ByVal AsUnicode)
        Dim objFSO : Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Dim oWriter : Set oWriter = objFSO.CreateTextFile( sFileName , True, AsUnicode )

        Dim s 'IniSection
        Dim k 'IniKey
        For Each s In Sections
            'WScript.Echo("Writing Section: " & s.Name)
            oWriter.WriteLine("[" & s.Name & "]")
            For Each k In s.Keys
                If k.Value <> vbNullString Then
                    'WScript.Echo("Writing Key: "&k.Name&"="&k.Value)
                    oWriter.WriteLine(k.Name & "="& k.Value )
                    'WScript.Echo("Writing Key: "&k.Name)
                End if
    End Sub

    'Returns the IniSection object associated with a section name
    Public Function GetSection(ByVal sSection )
        Set GetSection = Nothing
        sSection = Trim(sSection) 'Trim spaces
        If Len( sSection ) <> 0 Then
            If m_pSections.Exists( sSection ) Then
                Set GetSection = m_pSections.Item(sSection)
            End If
        End If
    End Function

    ' Adds a section to the IniFile object, returns a IniSection object
    Public Function AddSection(ByVal sSection )
        Set AddSection = Nothing
        If StrComp(TypeName(sSection),"IniSection",1) = 0 Then 
            If Not sSection Is Nothing Then
                ' Only purpose is to be used by child to re-insert
                If Not sSection Is Nothing Then
                    If Not m_pSections.Exists( sSection.Name ) Then
                        Set m_pSections.Item( sSection.Name ) = sSection
                        Set AddSection = sSection
                    End If
                End If
            End If 
        ElseIf StrComp(TypeName(sSection),"String",1) = 0 Then
            sSection = Trim(sSection)
            If Len( sSection ) <> 0 Then 
                If m_pSections.Exists( sSection ) Then
                    Set AddSection = m_pSections.Item(sSection)
                    Dim s : Set s = New IniSection
                    Call s.Init( Me , sSection )
                    Set m_pSections.Item(sSection) = s
                    Set AddSection = s
                End If
            End If      
        End If
    End Function

    ' Removes all existing sections (clears the object) 
    Public Sub RemoveAllSections()
        Call m_pSections.RemoveAll()
    End Sub

    ' Remove a section by name or section object
    Public Function RemoveSection(ByVal Obj)
        RemoveSection = False
        If StrComp(TypeName(Obj),"IniSection",1) = 0 Then 
            If Not Obj Is Nothing Then
                RemoveSection = True
            End If 
        ElseIf StrComp(TypeName(Obj),"String",1) = 0 Then
            RemoveSection = RemoveSection( GetSection(Obj) )
        End If 
    End Function

    ' Remove a key by section namd and key name
    Public Function RemoveKey(ByVal sSection , ByVal sKey)
        RemoveKey = False
        Dim s : Set s = GetSection(sSection)
        If Not s Is Nothing Then
            RemoveKey = s.RemoveKey( sKey )
        End If
    End Function

    ' Returns a KeyValue in a certain section
    Public Function GetKeyValue(ByVal sSection , ByVal sKey )
        GetKeyValue = vbNullString
        Dim s : Set s = GetSection(sSection)
        If Not s Is Nothing Then
            Dim k : Set k = s.GetKey(sKey)
            If Not k Is Nothing Then
                GetKeyValue = k.Value
            End If
        End If
    End Function

    ' Sets a KeyValuePair in a certain section
    Public Function SetKeyValue(ByVal sSection , ByVal sKey , ByVal sValue )
        SetKeyValue = False
        Dim s : Set s = AddSection(sSection)
        If Not s Is Nothing Then
            Dim k : Set k = s.AddKey(sKey)
            If Not s Is Nothing Then
                k.Value = sValue
                SetKeyValue = True
            End If
        End If
    End Function

    ' Renames an existing section returns true on success, false if the section didn't exist or there was another section with the same sNewSection
    Public Function RenameSection(ByVal sSection , ByVal sNewSection)
        ' Note string trims are done in lower calls.
        RenameSection = False
        Dim s : Set s = GetSection(sSection)
        If Not s Is Nothing Then
            RenameSection = s.SetName(sNewSection)
        End If
    End Function

    ' Renames an existing key returns true on success, false if the key didn't exist or there was another section with the same sNewKey
    Public Function RenameKey(ByVal sSection , ByVal sKey, ByVal sNewKey)
        ' Note string trims are done in lower calls.
        RenameKey = False
        Dim s : Set s = GetSection(sSection)
        If Not s Is Nothing Then
            Dim k : Set k = s.GetKey(sKey)
            If Not k Is Nothing Then
                RenameKey = k.SetName(sNewKey)
            End If
        End If
    End Function

End Class

'IniSection Class 
Class IniSection
   ' IniFile IniFile object instance
   Private m_pIniFile
   ' Name of the section
   Private m_sSection
   ' List of IniKeys in the section
   Private m_keys

   'Friend constuctor so objects are internally managed
   Public Sub Class_Initialize
       Set m_pIniFile = Nothing
       m_sSection = ""
       Set m_keys = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
       m_keys.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
   End Sub

    ' Function only works once...
    Public Sub Init( ByVal oIniFile , ByVal sSection )
        If m_pIniFile is Nothing Then 
            Set m_pIniFile = oIniFile
            m_sSection = sSection
        End If  
    End Sub

    'Returns an array of the IniKeys in the IniFile
    Public Property Get Keys
         Keys = m_keys.Items
    End Property

   'Returns the section name
   Public Property Get Name
           name = m_sSection
   End Property

   'Set the section name
   'Returns true on success, False if key already exists in the section
   Public Function SetName(ByVal sSection)
       SetName = False  ' Default
       sSection = Trim(sSection)
       If Len( sSection ) <> 0 Then
           Dim s : Set s = m_pIniFile.GetSection(sSection)
           If Not s Is Me And Not s Is Nothing Then Exit Function
           Call m_pIniFile.RemoveSection(Me)
           m_sSection = sSection
           Call m_pIniFile.AddSection(Me)           
           SetName = True
       End If
   End Function

   'Returns the section name
   Public Function GetName()
           GetName = m_sSection
   End Function

   'Adds a key to the IniSection object
   'Returns Nothing on failure
    Public Function AddKey(ByVal sKey)
        Set AddKey = Nothing
        ' Is this a string or object of IniKey
        If StrComp(TypeName(sKey),"IniKey",1) = 0 Then 
            ' Only purpose is to be used by child to re-insert
            If Not sKey Is Nothing Then
                If Not m_keys.Exists( sKey.Name ) Then
                    Set m_keys.Item(sKey.Name) = sKey
                    Set AddKey = sKey
                End If
            End If
        ElseIf StrComp(TypeName(sKey),"String",1) = 0 Then
            ' String was passed...
            sKey = Trim(sKey)
            If Len(sKey) <> 0 Then
                If m_keys.Exists( sKey ) Then
                    Set AddKey = m_keys.Item(sKey)
                    Dim k : Set k = New IniKey
                    Call k.Init( Me , sKey )
                    Set m_keys.Item(sKey) = k
                    Set AddKey = k
                End If
            End If
        End If        
   End Function

   'Returns a IniKey
   'Returns Nothing on failure 
    Public Function GetKey(ByVal sKey)
        Set GetKey = Nothing
        sKey = Trim(sKey)
        If Len(sKey) <> 0 Then
            If m_keys.Exists( sKey ) Then
                Set GetKey = m_keys.Item(sKey)
            End If 
        End If
    End Function

   'Removes all the keys in the section
   Public Sub RemoveAllKeys()
       Call m_keys.RemoveAll()
   End Sub

   'Removes a single key by IniKey object by string or object
   Public Function RemoveKey(ByVal Obj)
        RemoveKey = False
        If StrComp(TypeName(Obj),"IniKey",1) = 0 Then 
            If Not Obj Is Nothing Then
                RemoveKey = True
            End If
        ElseIf StrComp(TypeName(Obj),"String",1) = 0 Then
            RemoveKey = RemoveKey( GetKey(Obj) )
        End If        
   End Function

End Class  ' End of IniSection

'IniKey Class
Class IniKey
    ' Name of the Key
    Private m_sKey
    ' Value associated
    Private m_sValue
    ' Pointer to the parent CIniSection
    Private m_pSection

    'Friend constuctor so objects are internally managed
    Public Sub Class_Initialize
        m_sKey = ""
        m_sValue = ""
        Set m_pSection = Nothing
    End Sub

    'Returns the key's parent IniSection
    Public Sub Init( ByVal oIniSection , ByVal sKey )
           If m_pSection Is Nothing Then
                Set m_pSection = oIniSection
                m_sKey = sKey
           End If 
    End Sub

    'Returns the name of the Key
    Public Property Get Name
            name = m_sKey
    End Property

'     'Gets\Sets the value associated with the Key
     Public Property Let Value( strKeyValue )
             m_sValue = strKeyValue
     End Property

    'Gets\Sets the value associated with the Key
    Public Property Get Value()
            value = m_sValue
    End Property

    'Sets the key name
    'Returns true on success, fails if the section name sKeyName already exists
    Public Function SetName(ByVal sKey )
        SetName = False
        sKey = Trim(sKey)
        If Len(sKey) <> 0 Then
            Dim s : Set s = m_pSection.GetKey(sKey)
            If Not s Is Me And Not s Is Nothing Then Exit Function
            Call m_pSection.RemoveKey(Me)
            ' Set our new name
            m_sKey = sKey
            ' Put our own object back
            Call m_pSection.AddKey(Me)
            SetName = True
        End If
    End Function

    ' Returns the current key name
    Public Function GetName()
            GetName = m_sKey
    End Function

End Class

我不能承担用于解析 PdfCreator 输出的 ini 文件类的功劳,该类是通过 PdfCreator 中现有的 vbs 脚本提供的。


检查 pdfmark 参考版本 9,我看不到任何影响查看器首选项的 pdfmark。因此,您无法使用 Ghostscript 来实现这一点,而无需修改 pdfwrite 设备。

Ghostscript 的 pdfwrite 设备根本不会在 Catalog 对象中发出 ViewerPreferences 字典,因此您需要添加一个。
