Mac OS X Lion 中始终禁用定位服务

Mac OS X Lion 中始终禁用定位服务

一个简单的定位服务程序在我的机器上运行良好,突然停止工作。在进一步探究问题后,我意识到某个进程已禁用定位服务系统偏好设置 » 安全和隐私 » 隐私


经过一番研究,我发现这不仅仅是我的程序,甚至内置的系统功能也会因为这个问题而失败。系统偏好设置 » 日期和时间 » 时区无法获取当前位置。


16/10/12 11:23:15.636 AM [0x0-0x42042] ERROR,Time,372059595.636,Function,"CLInternalSetLocationServicesEnabled",CLInternalSetLocationServicesEnabled failed
16/10/12 11:23:15.638 AM [0x0-0x42042] STACK,Time,372059595.636,1   CoreLocation                        0x00007fff8f9957be CLInternalSetLocationServicesEnabled + 110


  • WiFi 已开启
  • 我没有安装 iOS 模拟器
  • 我使用 Xcode 版本 4.5 (4G182)
  • 我使用 Boot Camp 并使我的 MacBook Pro 实现双启动(Mac OS X Lion 和 Windows 7)
  • 我只做 Mac 开发,不做 iOS 开发


launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

defaults write /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ Disabled -bool false 


launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

exit 0


我在 OSX 10.11(El Capitan)中遇到了同样的问题。



########################## SET SYSTEM TIME  ##################################################
# Written by Tim Kimpton
# using information from
# If the machine is 5 minutes out of the kdc the machine will not bind to the domain.
# This script does the folling to ensure the time is correct
# 1. Unload the launch daemon used for location services
# 2. Get the hardware UUID of the machine and put it in the location services db
# 3. Enable location services
# 4. Correct permissions on the database file used for location services
# 5. Set the time zone to update the time automatically
# 6. Set the network time to on
# For information see

######################### ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES #######################

# Get the Hardware UUID from system profiler
uuid=$(/usr/sbin/system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep "Hardware UUID" | cut -c22-57)

####################### DO NOT MODIFY BELOW THIS LINE #################

# Unload the launch daemon
/bin/launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

# Write the UUID to the hidden plist file and initialise it
/usr/bin/defaults write /var/db/locationd/Library/Preferences/ByHost/"$uuid" LocationServicesEnabled -int 1

# Enable Location Services
/usr/bin/defaults write /var/db/locationd/Library/Preferences/ByHost/"$uuid" LocationServicesEnabled -int 1

# Make sure the permissions on the database file is correct
/usr/sbin/chown -R _locationd:_locationd /var/db/locationd
/bin/launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

# Set time zone to update automatically
/usr/bin/defaults write /Library/Preferences/ Active -bool true

# Set network time to on
/usr/sbin/systemsetup -setusingnetworktime on > /dev/null 2>&1

exit 0
