
我什么都做,浏览网页等,然后出现蓝屏,显示CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIEDWindows 8 Pro。我检查了参数标志,全是 0,根据 Microsoft 的说法,这是服务死机,而不是进程死机。


A required device isn't connected or can't be accessed.

在此期间,我的 USB 键盘无法使用,我不得不连接 PS2 键盘来按 Enter 键重试,或按 F8 键进入启动选项。F8 没有任何作用。Enter 又引发了另一个错误:

The application or operating system couldn't be loaded because a required file 
is missing or contains errors.

The file in question is \Windows\system32\winload.exe

此时,如果我进行冷启动,即强制关机然后重新开机,系统就会启动,直到再次出现蓝屏。这个过程可能需要 5 分钟到 2 小时。


  1. 我打开了内存转储,但不幸的是,我没有得到任何信息,它们不起作用;系统在转储之前显然正在染色。
  2. 我检查了事件日志,从崩溃前 5 分钟到崩溃后 5 分钟,我收到的唯一日志都是正常的安全日志,除了重启后,它会抛出后两个错误。在重启时,我遇到了一堆网络连接问题,它无法连接到任何东西。
  3. 因此我对 Windows 8 Pro 进行了“刷新”,但出现了同样的错误。
  4. 所以我决定不再管了,我拔出新硬盘,对原始硬盘进行了 CLEAN ALL;运行了详细的 SMART 测试,硬盘检查无误,运行了详细的内存扫描,结果没有问题,运行了内存和视频压力测试,结果没有问题,运行了 CPU 压力测试并监控了 CPU 温度,从未超过 27 度。此时,我想,天哪,我成功了;在执行了 CLEAN ALL 的硬盘上重新安装了 Windows 8 pro,使用了全新的 Microsoft 帐户;那时应该是全新的开始......一切都很顺利,持续了大约 2 到 3 个小时,系统运行得非常好;我开始运行 Windows Update,安装了 Office 和 Visual Studio,又顺利运行了 2 到 3 个小时,然后砰的一声,再次崩溃。

所以目前我唯一的假设是 Windows 更新安装的某个驱动程序一定是导致了这个问题。

有没有人有其他建议,如何从进程中获取信息,或者至少能帮我弄清楚为什么内存转储不起作用?如果我能让内存转储工作,我知道足够多的信息来分析转储,然后从那里开始,但没有一个转储工作。我尝试过做最小、自动和完整的转储。我尝试增加交换文件大小,并更改转储位置,但都不起作用,PC 上仍然没有一个 .DMP 文件。


Operating System
    Microsoft Windows 8 Pro 64-bit
    AMD FX-8150 13 °C
    Zambezi 32nm Technology
    16.0 GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 798MHz (11-11-11-28)
    ASRock 990FX Professional (CPUSocket)   32 °C
    LCDTV16 (1920x1080@60Hz)
    AMD Radeon HD 6900 Series (ATI AIB) 41 °C
Hard Drives
    119GB M4-CT128M4SSD2 ATA Device (SSD)
    2329GB Western Digital WDC WD25 EZRX-00MMMB0 SATA Disk Device (SATA)    24 °C
    233GB Western Digital WDC WD25 00JS-60NCB1 SATA Disk Device (SATA)  33 °C
Optical Drives
    HL-DT-ST BD-RE WH12LS39 ATA Device
    Creative X-Fi Audio Processor (WDM)


Running AMD External Events Utility
Running AMD FUEL Service
Running Application Experience
Running Application Information
Running Background Intelligent Transfer Service
Running Background Tasks Infrastructure Service
Running Base Filtering Engine
Running Certificate Propagation
Running CNG Key Isolation
Running COM+ Event System
Running Computer Browser
Running Creative Audio Service
Running Cryptographic Services
Running DCOM Server Process Launcher
Running Device Association Service
Running DHCP Client
Running Diagnostic Policy Service
Running Diagnostic Service Host
Running Diagnostic System Host
Running Distributed Link Tracking Client
Running DNS Client
Running Function Discovery Provider Host
Running Function Discovery Resource Publication
Running HomeGroup Listener
Running HomeGroup Provider
Running Human Interface Device Access
Running IP Helper
Running Local Session Manager
Running Microsoft Account Sign-in Assistant
Running Network Connected Devices Auto-Setup
Running Network List Service
Running Network Location Awareness
Running Network Store Interface Service
Running Office 64 Source Engine
Running Peer Name Resolution Protocol
Running Peer Networking Grouping
Running Peer Networking Identity Manager
Running Plug and Play
Running Power
Running Print Spooler
Running Program Compatibility Assistant Service
Running Remote Desktop Configuration
Running Remote Desktop Services
Running Remote Desktop Services UserMode Port Redirector
Running Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
Running RPC Endpoint Mapper
Running Security Accounts Manager
Running Security Center
Running Server
Running Shell Hardware Detection
Running SSDP Discovery
Running Steam Client Service
Running Superfetch
Running System Event Notification Service
Running System Events Broker
Running Task Scheduler
Running TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper
Running Themes
Running Time Broker
Running UPnP Device Host
Running User Profile Service
Running Windows Audio
Running Windows Audio Endpoint Builder
Running Windows Connection Manager
Running Windows Defender Service
Running Windows Event Log
Running Windows Firewall
Running Windows Font Cache Service
Running Windows Management Instrumentation
Running Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service
Running Windows Search
Running Windows Update
Running WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service
Running Workstation
Stopped ActiveX Installer (AxInstSV)
Stopped Application Identity
Stopped Application Layer Gateway Service
Stopped Application Management
Stopped BitLocker Drive Encryption Service
Stopped Block Level Backup Engine Service
Stopped Bluetooth Support Service
Stopped BranchCache
Stopped COM+ System Application
Stopped Creative Audio Engine Licensing Service
Stopped Credential Manager
Stopped Device Install Service
Stopped Device Setup Manager
Stopped Distributed Transaction Coordinator
Stopped Encrypting File System (EFS)
Stopped Extensible Authentication Protocol
Stopped Family Safety
Stopped Fax
Stopped File History Service
Stopped Group Policy Client
Stopped Health Key and Certificate Management
Stopped Hyper-V Data Exchange Service
Stopped Hyper-V Guest Shutdown Service
Stopped Hyper-V Heartbeat Service
Stopped Hyper-V Remote Desktop Virtualization Service
Stopped Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service
Stopped Hyper-V Volume Shadow Copy Requestor
Stopped IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules
Stopped Interactive Services Detection
Stopped Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
Stopped IPsec Policy Agent
Stopped KtmRm for Distributed Transaction Coordinator
Stopped Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper
Stopped Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service
Stopped Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider
Stopped Multimedia Class Scheduler
Stopped Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service
Stopped Netlogon
Stopped Network Access Protection Agent
Stopped Network Connections
Stopped Network Connectivity Assistant
Stopped Offline Files
Stopped Optimize drives
Stopped Performance Counter DLL Host
Stopped Performance Logs & Alerts
Stopped PNRP Machine Name Publication Service
Stopped Portable Device Enumerator Service
Stopped Printer Extensions and Notifications
Stopped Problem Reports and Solutions Control Panel Support
Stopped Quality Windows Audio Video Experience
Stopped Remote Access Auto Connection Manager
Stopped Remote Access Connection Manager
Stopped Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator
Stopped Remote Registry
Stopped Routing and Remote Access
Stopped Secondary Logon
Stopped Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service
Stopped Sensor Monitoring Service
Stopped Smart Card
Stopped Smart Card Removal Policy
Stopped SNMP Trap
Stopped Software Protection
Stopped Spot Verifier
Stopped Still Image Acquisition Events
Stopped Storage Service
Stopped Telephony
Stopped Thread Ordering Server
Stopped Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service
Stopped Virtual Disk
Stopped Volume Shadow Copy
Stopped WebClient
Stopped Windows All-User Install Agent
Stopped Windows Backup
Stopped Windows Biometric Service
Stopped Windows Color System
Stopped Windows Connect Now - Config Registrar
Stopped Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework
Stopped Windows Error Reporting Service
Stopped Windows Event Collector
Stopped Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)
Stopped Windows Installer
Stopped Windows Modules Installer
Stopped Windows Remote Management (WS-Management)
Stopped Windows Store Service (WSService)
Stopped Windows Time
Stopped Wired AutoConfig
Stopped WLAN AutoConfig
Stopped WMI Performance Adapter
Stopped WWAN AutoConfig



显然,Crucial M4 系列 SSD 有一个奇怪的错误,即使它们没有设置为启动驱动器,它们也需要更新固件,否则大约 5000 小时后驱动器将进入恢复/修复模式并每小时关闭一次,当这样做时,Windows 8 会抛出 CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED 蓝屏。

Crucial 有一个固件更新可以修复该问题。



要验证,您可以启动任何实时 CD 或 USB 并访问该磁盘。让它保持忙碌状态,直到它停止工作。如果它没有停止工作,可能是其他原因。

如果计算机在没有连接其他驱动器的情况下工作正常,请检查 BIOS 的启动设置,确保选择了正确的驱动器。还要验证 windows 尝试加载的文件是否损坏。cmd.exe使用提升的权限打开并转到 system32。然后运行sfc /scannow。这应该会扫描所有系统文件以查找错误。

