

我想根据一列中的数字组自动突出显示多行。因此,我会为每个唯一的家族 ID 设置不同的行颜色。有没有办法做到这一点,而不必在条件格式中手动选择颜色?我有 400 个家族和 1000 多行。谢谢大家的帮助。


FamilyID  Stock Number     Class
1922      1361427          Box
1922      5859184          Box
1922      1422784          Box
1922      1422694          Box
2196      1336358          Circle
2196      1336244          Circle
2196      675239           Circle
2205      57813            Square
2205      863453           Square
2220      30664            Square
2220      1336732          Square
2220      22874            Square


假设 FamilyID 在 中ColumnA,使用 下的一系列条件格式规则使用公式确定要格式化的单元格(例如 =$a2=1922 (黄色)、=$a2=2196 (绿色)等)并将A2每个应用于整行。

SU528202 示例


以下 Excel VBA 例程和支持函数提供了根据数据范围第一列中的数字组突出显示多行的功能,此功能只能通过条件格式来实现。可以选择任意数量的列和行,但我尚未测试大型表格的性能。


颜色选择方案非常简单。根据程序中设置的不同颜色数量(当前为 16 种),选择 Excel(2007 及以上版本)支持的色谱中等距的颜色,然后随机分配给数据表中的行分组。



Sub ColorSortedRange()

   ' Set the fill color of rows in a selected range based on the values
   ' in the first column of the range.

   Dim Rng As Range, Rng2 As Range
   Dim Cell_ As Range
   Dim PriorCellValue As Variant
   Dim CellColor As Long, FontColorIdx As Long
   Dim NumberOfColors As Long

   With Application
      .EnableEvents = False
      .DisplayAlerts = False
      .ScreenUpdating = False
   End With

   Set Rng = Selection
   NumberOfColors = 16                 '####### SET NUMBER OF COLORS HERE #######

   For Each Cell_ In Rng.columns(1).Cells
       If Cell_.Value <> PriorCellValue Then
           CellColor = GetColorNumber(NumberOfColors)
           FontColorIdx = GetFontColorIndex(CellColor)                      '
       End If
       Set Rng2 = Range(Cell_, Cell_.Offset(0, Rng.columns.Count - 1))
       With Rng2
           With .Interior
               .Color = CellColor
               .TintAndShade = 0.5    '####### SET TINTING AND SHADING HERE #######
           End With
           .Font.ColorIndex = FontColorIdx
       End With
       PriorCellValue = Cell_.Value

   With Application
      .EnableEvents = True
      .DisplayAlerts = True
      .ScreenUpdating = True
   End With

End Sub

Function GetColorNumber(NumberOfColors As Long) As Long

   ' Returns a color number randomly chosen from the number of
   ' colors specified. This function will not work in Excel versions
   ' prior to 2007, because of limits on the number of available
   ' colors.

   Dim Step As Long
   Dim NumberOfExcelColors As Long

   NumberOfExcelColors = 16276000 'approximately
   Step = Fix(NumberOfExcelColors / NumberOfColors)
   GetColorNumber = WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(1, NumberOfColors) * Step

   ' The Randbetween function is from the Excel Analysis ToolPak. If it is
   ' unavailable the following formula can be substituted:
   '    =INT((upperbound - lowerbound + 1) * RAND() + lowerbound)

End Function

Function GetFontColorIndex(BackgroundColor As Long) As Integer

   ' Returns color index for dark grey or white, which the function selects
   ' to contrast with the cell fill color.

   Dim R As Long, G As Long, B As Long
   Dim FontThreshold As Double
   Dim Brightness As Double

   R = BackgroundColor Mod 256
   G = (BackgroundColor \ 256) Mod 256
   B = (BackgroundColor \ 256 \ 256) Mod 256
   FontThreshold = 130

   Brightness = Sqr(R * R * 0.241 + G * G * 0.691 + B * B * 0.068)

   If Brightness < FontThreshold Then
       GetFontColorIndex = 2  'white
       GetFontColorIndex = 49 'dark (1 is black)
   End If

   ' Long decimal to RGB color conversion algorithm published by Siddharth Rout
   ' at http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/exceldev/thread/df8a1e1e-e974
   ' -4a9c-938a-da18ae9f5252. The formula for perceived brightness of RGB colors
   ' is available in various forms on the Internet, perhaps earliest at
   ' http://alienryderflex.com/hsp.html.

End Function



Dim LastColor As Long

Sub ColorSortedRange()

    LastColor = GetColorNumber(5)

   ' Set the fill color of rows in a selected range based on the values
   ' in the first column of the range.

   Dim Rng As Range, Rng2 As Range
   Dim Cell_ As Range
   Dim PriorCellValue As Variant
   Dim CellColor As Long, FontColorIdx As Long
   Dim NumberOfColors As Long

   With Application
      .EnableEvents = False
      .DisplayAlerts = False
      .ScreenUpdating = False
   End With

   Set Rng = Selection
   NumberOfColors = 50                 '####### SET NUMBER OF COLORS HERE #######

   For Each Cell_ In Rng.Columns(1).Cells
       If Cell_.Value <> PriorCellValue Then
           CellColor = GetColorNumber(NumberOfColors, LastColor)
           LastColor = CellColor
           FontColorIdx = GetFontColorIndex(CellColor)                      '
       End If
       Set Rng2 = Range(Cell_, Cell_.Offset(0, Rng.Columns.Count - 1))
       With Rng2
           With .Interior
               .Color = CellColor
               .TintAndShade = 0.5    '####### SET TINTING AND SHADING HERE #######
           End With
           .Font.ColorIndex = FontColorIdx
       End With
       PriorCellValue = Cell_.Value

   With Application
      .EnableEvents = True
      .DisplayAlerts = True
      .ScreenUpdating = True
   End With

End Sub

Function GetColorNumber(NumberOfColors As Long, Optional OldColor As Long = 0) As Long

   ' Returns a color number randomly chosen from the number of
   ' colors specified. This function will not work in Excel versions
   ' prior to 2007, because of limits on the number of available
   ' colors.

   Dim Step As Long
   Dim NumberOfExcelColors As Long

   NumberOfExcelColors = 16276000 'approximately
   Step = Fix(NumberOfExcelColors / NumberOfColors)
   GetColorNumber = WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(1, NumberOfColors) * Step

   If GetColorNumber = OldColor Then
    GetColorNumber = GetColorNumber(NumberOfColors, OldColor)
   End If

   ' The Randbetween function is from the Excel Analysis ToolPak. If it is
   ' unavailable the following formula can be substituted:
   '    =INT((upperbound - lowerbound + 1) * RAND() + lowerbound)

End Function

Function GetFontColorIndex(BackgroundColor As Long) As Integer

   ' Returns color index for dark grey or white, which the function selects
   ' to contrast with the cell fill color.

   Dim R As Long, G As Long, B As Long
   Dim FontThreshold As Double
   Dim Brightness As Double

   R = BackgroundColor Mod 256
   G = (BackgroundColor \ 256) Mod 256
   B = (BackgroundColor \ 256 \ 256) Mod 256
   FontThreshold = 130

   Brightness = Sqr(R * R * 0.241 + G * G * 0.691 + B * B * 0.068)

   If Brightness < FontThreshold Then
       GetFontColorIndex = 2  'white
       GetFontColorIndex = 49 'dark (1 is black)
   End If

   ' Long decimal to RGB color conversion algorithm published by Siddharth Rout
   ' at http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/exceldev/thread/df8a1e1e-e974
   ' -4a9c-938a-da18ae9f5252. The formula for perceived brightness of RGB colors
   ' is available in various forms on the Internet, perhaps earliest at
   ' http://alienryderflex.com/hsp.html.

End Function
