添加纯文本列表后,Word 2010 中的节号排序丢失

添加纯文本列表后,Word 2010 中的节号排序丢失


8. Spaghetti alla Sorrentina (formatted as Title 1)

Here are the ingredients to make this fantastic pasta (text body)

1. Spaghetti
2. Tomato sauce
7. Provola cheese (still text body, all formatted as numbered list)

Cook pasta for half of time needed, add sauce, add provola, put in oven blah blah blah

9. Struffoli (formatted as Title 1)

Blah blah blah (formatted as text body)

我的问题是 Word 坚持用 来对第 9 节 (Struffoli) 进行编号eight,从而将该节链接到上一个正文列表 (成分列表)。但是,我希望第 9 节 (标题 1) 成为 Spaghetti 列表中的下一个项目。


8. Spaghetti alla Sorrentina (formatted as Title 1)

Here are the ingredients to make this fantastic pasta (text body)

1. Spaghetti
2. Tomato sauce
7. Provola cheese (still text body, all formatted as numbered list)

Cook pasta for half of time needed, add sauce, add provola, put in oven blah blah blah

------>8. Struffoli (formatted as Title 1)

我知道我可以通过强制列表从 9 开始来修改第 9 节的列表元素,方法是右键单击8,选择子菜单“编号列表”,然后选择“设置枚举值”(无论它们在英语单词中叫什么),如果我更改早期的元素、移动部分等,我必须手动更改所有数字。

下面的截图显示了右键单击列表项时的 Word 菜单(放大是没有用的,因为它与列表本身重叠)



打开一个空的 Word 文档,使其像这样(最后一章除外)


然后选择标题 1,输入4.段落编号 4,您就会得到5.雷声图标!!


如何告诉 WordStruffoli格式为 的属于按照其枚举Title 1的编号列表?Spaghetti alla Sorrentina


此问题是由于使用 Heading1 样式(或任何样式)导致的。如果您可以手动格式化它们,则不会存在此问题。


(我为其他访问者提供了更多详细信息,因为 OP 表明他们可以做到这一点)因此,如果不需要目录,请为 5 个标题创建项目符号,每个标题都是一个编号列表。输入章节标题。在第 1 章末尾,按shift+enter并输入 blah blah。对第 2 章重复此操作。

现在,对于第 3 章,重复上述操作(按shift+ enter,键入 blah blah),然后按回车键。您将得到数字 4。此时按tab,它将使用数字 1 缩进。继续输入所有项目符号。完成后,按shift+enter在下面键入,或按shift+tab取消缩进数字。



我现在单击(用鼠标)第 2 章的末尾并按回车键创建一个新条目,我的结果是:




参照烹饪食谱,一旦你写好了第 8 节的主体(意大利面条)

8. Spaghetti alla Sorrentina (formatted as Title 1)

Here are the ingredients to make this fantastic pasta (text body)

1. Spaghetti
2. Tomato sauce
7. Provola cheese (still text body, all formatted as numbered list)

Cook pasta for half of time needed, add sauce, add provola, put in oven blah blah blah



8. Spaghetti alla Sorrentina (formatted as Title 1)

Here are the ingredients to make this fantastic pasta (text body)

*. Spaghetti
*. Tomato sauce
*. Provola cheese (still text body, all formatted as numbered list)

Cook pasta for half of time needed, add sauce, add provola, put in oven blah blah blah

然后使用编号列表格式编写第 9 节的标题Title 1(设置标题 1,开始输入9.并继续),您将获得正确的编号,并且该项目将按要求与章节列表相关联,如突出显示所示

8. Spaghetti alla Sorrentina (formatted as Title 1)

Here are the ingredients to make this fantastic pasta (text body)

*. Spaghetti
*. Tomato sauce
*. Provola cheese (still text body, all formatted as numbered list)

Cook pasta for half of time needed, add sauce, add provola, put in oven blah blah blah

9. Struffoli


8. Spaghetti alla Sorrentina (formatted as Title 1)

Here are the ingredients to make this fantastic pasta (text body)

1. Spaghetti
2. Tomato sauce
7. Provola cheese (still text body, all formatted as numbered list)

Cook pasta for half of time needed, add sauce, add provola, put in oven blah blah blah

9. Struffoli




问题中提出的问题似乎发生了仅有的当“较低级别”列表(让我这样称呼)有一个相似的编号添加到“上级”列表。我的意思是,如果成分只有 2 或 3,并且您键入9.章节编号,则 Word 可能会理解您正在继续另一个列表。
