AppleScript 将最近的 Finder 文件夹作为列表返回

AppleScript 将最近的 Finder 文件夹作为列表返回

我需要编写一个 AppleScript 来返回列表Finder 中的“最近文件夹”菜单。我不想要一个只打开此菜单的 AppleScript – 我需要一个脚本以列表形式返回最近文件夹。





MacScripter 线程有一个脚本可以将文件夹作为别名获取,但我无法让它在 10.8 上运行。不再有文件数据键,但这也不起作用:

tell application "System Events"
    value of property list item "file-bookmark" of property list item 1 of property list item "FXRecentFolders" of contents of property list file "~/Library/Preferences/"
        value of result
    on error err
        text 30 thru -4 of err
        (run script "«data alis" & result & "»") as alias
    end try
end tell

您可以使用 PlistBuddy 打印纯文本值:

$ PlistBuddy -c 'Print FXRecentFolders:0:file-bookmark' ~/Library/Preferences/
book?0?Userslau?4A?x?iH???A?1M?$5DF7A03E-A7FB-3E80-B61D-F10CD8BF7B5D?/?6a0c3f51ea4eaf67e96c08fa9b69b93aee598f01;00000000;0000000000000020;;00000001;01000002;000000000005ca9f;/users/lauri?????$Tt@d  ? ? ? ?  ?0 ???? ??,

处理程序此主题在 10.7 中可以工作,但在 10.8 中不可以。


tell application "System Events" to value of property list item "name" of property list items of property list item "FXRecentFolders" of contents of property list file "~/Library/Preferences/"



on findPathSeparator(theData, theFile)
    set pathSeparator to {0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0}
    set bytesFound to 0
    set bytesSearched to 0

        read theFile from 0 for 0

        set numIterations to 0

        repeat (get eof theFile) times
            set theId to id of (read theFile from bytesSearched for 1)

            if theId is item (bytesFound + 1) of pathSeparator then
                set bytesFound to bytesFound + 1
                set bytesFound to 0
            end if

            if bytesFound is (count of pathSeparator) then exit repeat

            set bytesSearched to bytesSearched + 1
        end repeat
    on error msg
    end try

    return bytesSearched - (count of pathSeparator)
end findPathSeparator

on getPathFromData(theData)
    set pathSeparator to {0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0}

    set theFile to (open for access POSIX file ("/tmp/get_recent_folders") with write permission)

    set eof theFile to 0

    write contents of theData to theFile

    set startPosition to findPathSeparator(theData, theFile)

        read theFile from startPosition for 0

        set thePath to ""

            set idList to id of (read theFile for 8)

            if (idList does not end with pathSeparator) then exit repeat

            set theLength to item 1 of idList

            set thePath to thePath & ("/" & (read theFile for theLength as «class utf8»))

            read theFile for (4 - theLength mod 4) mod 4
        end repeat
    on error msg
    end try

    close access theFile

    return thePath
end getPathFromData

tell application "System Events"
    tell property list file "~/Library/Preferences/"
        set dataItems to property list item "FXRecentFolders"'s property list items's property list item "file-bookmark"'s value
        set itemNames to property list item "FXRecentFolders"'s property list items's property list item "name"'s value
    end tell
end tell

set theOutput to ""

set itemNum to 1
repeat (count of dataItems) times
    set theOutput to theOutput & item itemNum of itemNames & "
" & getPathFromData(item itemNum of dataItems) & "
    set itemNum to itemNum + 1
end repeat

