更智能的 scp,可复制部分本地路径

更智能的 scp,可复制部分本地路径

每天,我都会多次想要将一两个文件从本地机器~/src/some/path/or/other复制到测试主机。~/src 和 /srv/www 后面的两个路径是相同的——尽管我通常会在 scp 的第二个参数中省略文件名,这是我目前使用的。~/src/some/different/path/srv/www/some/path/or/other/srv/www/some/different/path

问题是,我经常会错误地调用 scp 并将文件复制到错误的目录,或者覆盖其他文件,因为 tab complete 比我聪明。我可以通过 ssh 将整个本地树 rsync 到服务器,但有时我暂时不想上传整个文件——只是上传一个特定的文件。

我想我想要的是简单的 CLI 工具,它可以让我做(可能只需进行一点配置)以下道德等同的事情:

jkg5150@dev-laptop:~/src/myproject$ funkytool path/to/file another/path/another-file mydevhost.mycompany.com




使用带有-R选项的 rsync。来自rsync(1)手册页:

   -R, --relative
          Use  relative  paths. This means that the full path names speci‐
          fied on the command line are sent to the server rather than just
          the  last  parts  of  the filenames. This is particularly useful
          when you want to send several different directories at the  same
          time. For example, if you used this command:

             rsync -av /foo/bar/baz.c remote:/tmp/

          ...  this would create a file named baz.c in /tmp/ on the remote
          machine. If instead you used

             rsync -avR /foo/bar/baz.c remote:/tmp/

          then a file named /tmp/foo/bar/baz.c would  be  created  on  the
          remote machine, preserving its full path.  These extra path ele‐
          ments are called "implied directories" (i.e. the "foo"  and  the
          "foo/bar" directories in the above example).
