我在虚拟机上安装了 CentOS 6(最小安装或网络安装,我不记得是哪个了)。我正在尝试安装Plone 4.2.4出于测试目的。我已经安装了所有必需的依赖项,或者至少我认为如此。
我运行 Plone Unified Installer(我使用该--static-lxml
选项是因为 Plone 需要 CentOS 上不存在的 libxml2 版本)
./install.sh --static-lxml 独立
Stand-Alone Zope Instance selected
Detailed installation log being written to /root/plone/Plone-4.2.4-UnifiedInstaller/install.log
Root install method chosen. Will install for use by system user plone
Installing Plone 4.2.4 at /usr/local/Plone
User 'plone' already exists. No need to create it.
Skipping libjpeg build
Skipping readline build
Installing Python-2.7.3. This takes a while...
Install of Python-2.7.3 has failed.
Installation has failed.
See the detailed installation log at /root/plone/Plone-4.2.4-UnifiedInstaller/install.log
to determine the cause.
我安装了Pythonbrew尝试使用它安装 Python 2.73。我可以成功安装 Pythonbrew,但运行时pythonbrew install 2.7.3
[test@plonemachine root]$ pythonbrew install 2.7.3
Use the previously fetched /home/test/.pythonbrew/dists/Python-2.7.3.tgz
Extracting Python-2.7.3.tgz into /home/test/.pythonbrew/build/Python-2.7.3
This could take a while. You can run the following command on another shell to track the status:
tail -f "/home/test/.pythonbrew/log/build.log"
Patching Python-2.7.3
Installing Python-2.7.3 into /home/test/.pythonbrew/pythons/Python-2.7.3
ERROR: Failed to install Python-2.7.3. See /home/test/.pythonbrew/log/build.log to see why.
这是 Pythonbrew 构建日志。它几乎与 Plone 安装日志完全相同 (!),这让我相信问题出在其他地方。
它看起来就像 configure 脚本正确退出并且 Makefile 已创建一样。我猜你可能缺少一些基本的开发工具autoconf
。尝试以 root 身份使用此命令安装它们(来源):
yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'