如何将 .SCR 转换为 .AVI

如何将 .SCR 转换为 .AVI





它可能像将文件重命名为 .avi 一样简单,或者您可能需要下载转换器,但您至少会知道它来自什么格式,以便找到兼容的转换器。


对于实际上是屏幕保护程序文件的 .scr 文件(您的文件可能不是):

下载并安装 Everything 搜索引擎:http://voidtools.com/

双击 .scr 文件以运行它。打开任务管理器并终止 run32.dll(此步骤可能不是必需的)。在 Everything 搜索工具中,输入屏幕保护程序的文件名(或其中的一部分),不带扩展名。Everything 可能会显示同名但扩展名为 .swf、.avi 等的视频文件。右键单击列表中的文件,然后单击“打开包含文件夹”。

下载并安装 ffmpeg 到您的 %PATH%,或者将 ffmpeg.exe 复制到同一个打开的文件夹中。https://ffmpeg.org/

打开终端(或“DOS 提示符”或“命令提示符”/cmd.exe),然后运行以下命令;用您找到的视频文件名替换 in.swf:

CD <full path to the folder with the video file of the same name as the screensaver file>
ffmpeg -i in.swf -vcodec rawvideo out.avi

out.avi 将成为您的结果文件。或者,如果您讨厌巨大的无损 .avi 文件 ;) 对于第二个命令,您可以执行:

ffmpeg -i in.swf -crf 0 out.mp4

如果您想要无损压缩,则可以使用 -crf 0 参数;如果您提供 .mp4 扩展名,ffmpeg 将使用默认的 h264 编解码器。对于压缩,请输入任何数字,我认为最高为 50(最差质量)。

我有一些奇怪的 .swf 文件,转换后会反转。对于这些文件,请将此开关添加到 ffmpeg 命令中:

ffmpeg -i in.swf -crf 0 -vf reverse out.mp4

帮助我解决这个问题的资料来源: http://www.answers.com/Q/How_do_convert_scr_to_avi https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2553448/encode-video-in-reverse


SCR 格式的文件是屏幕保护程序文件。

您可以通过以下方式转换文件(来自 eHow.com):


A]使用 AVS 视频转换器进行转换:

1. Download AVS Video Converter to your computer. Launch the setup file and install using the default settings.

2. Once the installation is successful launch the AVS Video Converter application. Click the "Browse" button under "Input File Name" section and locate the SCR file in your drive. Then click "Open" button.

3. Click "To AVI" to convert your SCR file to AVI format. Use the "Edit Profile" section to make changes to the video size and compression. Click "Save" to save the changes made to the profile.

4. Click the "Browse" button under "Output File Name" section to set the destination directory for the converted AVI file.

5. Click "Convert Now" button to start the conversion process. Once the conversion process is finished navigate to the destination directory specified in Step 4 and verify whether the conversion is successful.

B]使用 Need4 Video Converter 7.1 进行转换:

1. Download Need4 Video Converter 7.1 to your computer. Launch the setup file and install using default settings.

2. Once the installation is successful, launch the program from your desktop. Click "File" and then select "Open" from the menu. Select the desired SCR file that needs to be converted and click "Open."

3. Select "AVI---Audio Video Interleave" as the output format in the "Output file" field. Click the "Browse" button in the "Save to" field and select a name and destination for the converted file. Click "OK."

4. Click the "Convert" button to start the conversion process. Once the conversion is finished navigate to the destination directory specified in Step 4 and verify whether the conversion is successful.


1. Download Any Video Converter freeware to your computer. Install using default settings.

2. Launch the Any Video Converter from the desktop and click the "Add Video" button. Select the desired SCR file that needs to be converted and click "Add" button.

3. Select "AVI (*.avi)" from the "Profile" menu to set the target format to AVI. Click the "Output Folder" button and select a target destination for the converted AVI file. Click "OK."

4. Click "Encode" to start the conversion process. Once the conversion is finished navigate to the destination and verify whether the conversion is successful.
