Omnigraffle 画布的自动连续文件名

Omnigraffle 画布的自动连续文件名

有没有办法根据位置自动按顺序命名 Omnigraffle 中的画布?有 AppleScript 或插件吗?

例如想法 1、想法 2、想法 3 等等。如果我移动它,它将使用新位置作为名称的一部分,并更新其他内容以保持连续性(画布编号调整)。


好的,在浏览了这些网站后,我使用 Applescript 来执行此操作:

tell application "OmniGraffle Professional 5"
    set theDocument to front document
    set theCanvases to every canvas of theDocument
    set canvasCount to count of canvases of theDocument
    repeat with canvasNumber from 1 to canvasCount
        set canvasNumber to canvasNumber as number
        if canvasNumber < 10 then
            set dd to "0" & canvasNumber
            set dd to canvasNumber
        end if
        set name of canvas canvasNumber of theDocument to "Mockup " & dd
        set canvas of front window to canvas canvasNumber of theDocument
    end repeat
end tell
