如何自动将 PowerPoint 转换为 PDF?

如何自动将 PowerPoint 转换为 PDF?

我需要使用第三方产品通过命令行将.ppt/.pptx 文件转换为.pdf 文件(或图像)。

我正在将它用于 Windows 2008 服务器,并且我不能使用任何 GUI 或网站,因为这需要自动化过程。

我尝试过 libreoffice,但是它在转换智能艺术时存在问题。

编辑:我的最终解决方案是使用powerpoint 与 C# 的互操作。 也可以看看:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26372020/how-to-programmatically-create-a-powerpoint-from-a-list-of-images


无需第三方产品。如您所见,PowerPoint 可以将演示文稿导出为 PDF。只需应用一些脚本,您就可以实现您的结果。我在下面编写了 VB 脚本。只需创建一个名称以“.vbs”结尾的文件,然后粘贴下面的代码。


 CSCRIPT ppt.vbs "input file name" "output file name"


  • 如果名称包含空格,则需要用引号引起来。
  • 如果您没有指定输出文件的路径,PowerPoint 会将其放在您的 Documents 文件夹中。


Option Explicit

Sub WriteLine ( strLine )
    WScript.Stdout.WriteLine strLine
End Sub

' http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/aa432714(v=office.12).aspx
Const msoFalse = 0   ' False.
Const msoTrue = -1   ' True.

' http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/bb265636(v=office.12).aspx
Const ppFixedFormatIntentScreen = 1 ' Intent is to view exported file on screen.
Const ppFixedFormatIntentPrint = 2  ' Intent is to print exported file.

' http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff746754.aspx
Const ppFixedFormatTypeXPS = 1  ' XPS format
Const ppFixedFormatTypePDF = 2  ' PDF format

' http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff744564.aspx
Const ppPrintHandoutVerticalFirst = 1   ' Slides are ordered vertically, with the first slide in the upper-left corner and the second slide below it.
Const ppPrintHandoutHorizontalFirst = 2 ' Slides are ordered horizontally, with the first slide in the upper-left corner and the second slide to the right of it.

' http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff744185.aspx
Const ppPrintOutputSlides = 1               ' Slides
Const ppPrintOutputTwoSlideHandouts = 2     ' Two Slide Handouts
Const ppPrintOutputThreeSlideHandouts = 3   ' Three Slide Handouts
Const ppPrintOutputSixSlideHandouts = 4     ' Six Slide Handouts
Const ppPrintOutputNotesPages = 5           ' Notes Pages
Const ppPrintOutputOutline = 6              ' Outline
Const ppPrintOutputBuildSlides = 7          ' Build Slides
Const ppPrintOutputFourSlideHandouts = 8    ' Four Slide Handouts
Const ppPrintOutputNineSlideHandouts = 9    ' Nine Slide Handouts
Const ppPrintOutputOneSlideHandouts = 10    ' Single Slide Handouts

' http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff745585.aspx
Const ppPrintAll = 1            ' Print all slides in the presentation.
Const ppPrintSelection = 2      ' Print a selection of slides.
Const ppPrintCurrent = 3        ' Print the current slide from the presentation.
Const ppPrintSlideRange = 4     ' Print a range of slides.
Const ppPrintNamedSlideShow = 5 ' Print a named slideshow.

' http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff744228.aspx
Const ppShowAll = 1             ' Show all.
Const ppShowNamedSlideShow = 3  ' Show named slideshow.
Const ppShowSlideRange = 2      ' Show slide range.

' This is the actual script

Dim inputFile
Dim outputFile
Dim objPPT
Dim objPresentation
Dim objPrintOptions
Dim objFso

If WScript.Arguments.Count <> 2 Then
    WriteLine "You need to specify input and output files."
End If

inputFile = WScript.Arguments(0)
outputFile = WScript.Arguments(1)

Set objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

If Not objFso.FileExists( inputFile ) Then
    WriteLine "Unable to find your input file " & inputFile
End If

If objFso.FileExists( outputFile ) Then
    WriteLine "Your output file (' & outputFile & ') already exists!"
End If

WriteLine "Input File:  " & inputFile
WriteLine "Output File: " & outputFile

Set objPPT = CreateObject( "PowerPoint.Application" )

objPPT.Visible = True
objPPT.Presentations.Open inputFile

Set objPresentation = objPPT.ActivePresentation
Set objPrintOptions = objPresentation.PrintOptions

objPrintOptions.Ranges.Add 1,objPresentation.Slides.Count
objPrintOptions.RangeType = ppShowAll

' Reference for this at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff746080.aspx
objPresentation.ExportAsFixedFormat outputFile, ppFixedFormatTypePDF, ppFixedFormatIntentScreen, msoTrue, ppPrintHandoutHorizontalFirst, ppPrintOutputSlides, msoFalse, objPrintOptions.Ranges(1), ppPrintAll, "Slideshow Name", False, False, False, False, False



您可以打印到 PDF 打印机驱动程序,例如 Adob​​e Distiller,或者许多更便宜甚至开源的驱动程序。


Office PowerPoint 查看器 2007有一个命令行开关/p,可以让您将 PowerPoint 文件打印到默认打印机。


Send the presentation to a printer, and print the file.

Example: "c:\program files\microsoft office\office12\PPTVIEW.exe" /P "Presentation.pptx"

This example prints the Presentation.pptx file.

PDF 打印机可能必须设置为您的默认打印机。

我建议你使用 Adob​​e Distiller,而不是购买 Adob​​e AcrobatPDF创建器。它是免费的,如果您调整选项,它可以让您自动保存输出文件。这样,您就可以使用完全命令行方法将 PowerPoint 文件转换为 PDF,而无需向 Microsoft 或 Adob​​e 支付额外费用。


用这个写了一个转换整个文件夹的脚本,如果可以改进请回复这是我第一次写 vbscript!


cscript scriptname.vbs "C:/path/to/folder"



Option Explicit

Sub WriteLine ( strLine )
    WScript.Stdout.WriteLine strLine
End Sub

Const msoFalse = 0   ' False.
Const msoTrue = -1   ' True.

Const ppFixedFormatIntentScreen = 1 ' Intent is to view exported file on screen.
Const ppFixedFormatIntentPrint = 2  ' Intent is to print exported file.

Const ppFixedFormatTypeXPS = 1  ' XPS format
Const ppFixedFormatTypePDF = 2  ' PDF format

Const ppPrintHandoutVerticalFirst = 1   ' Slides are ordered vertically, with the first slide in the upper-left corner and the second slide below it.
Const ppPrintHandoutHorizontalFirst = 2 ' Slides are ordered horizontally, with the first slide in the upper-left corner and the second slide to the right of it.

Const ppPrintOutputSlides = 1               ' Slides
Const ppPrintOutputTwoSlideHandouts = 2     ' Two Slide Handouts
Const ppPrintOutputThreeSlideHandouts = 3   ' Three Slide Handouts
Const ppPrintOutputSixSlideHandouts = 4     ' Six Slide Handouts
Const ppPrintOutputNotesPages = 5           ' Notes Pages
Const ppPrintOutputOutline = 6              ' Outline
Const ppPrintOutputBuildSlides = 7          ' Build Slides
Const ppPrintOutputFourSlideHandouts = 8    ' Four Slide Handouts
Const ppPrintOutputNineSlideHandouts = 9    ' Nine Slide Handouts
Const ppPrintOutputOneSlideHandouts = 10    ' Single Slide Handouts

Const ppPrintAll = 1            ' Print all slides in the presentation.
Const ppPrintSelection = 2      ' Print a selection of slides.
Const ppPrintCurrent = 3        ' Print the current slide from the presentation.
Const ppPrintSlideRange = 4     ' Print a range of slides.
Const ppPrintNamedSlideShow = 5 ' Print a named slideshow.

Const ppShowAll = 1             ' Show all.
Const ppShowNamedSlideShow = 3  ' Show named slideshow.
Const ppShowSlideRange = 2      ' Show slide range.

' This is the actual script

Dim inputDirectory
Dim inputFolder
Dim inFiles
Dim outputFolder
Dim inputFile
Dim outputFile
Dim curFile
Dim objPPT
Dim objPresentation
Dim objPrintOptions
Dim objFso
Dim curDir

If WScript.Arguments.Count <> 1 Then
    WriteLine "You need to specify input files."
End If

Set objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

curDir = objFso.GetAbsolutePathName(".")

Set inputFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(WScript.Arguments.Item(0))
Set outputFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(WScript.Arguments.Item(0)) 

Set inFiles = inputFolder.Files

Set objPPT = CreateObject( "PowerPoint.Application" )

For Each curFile in inFiles

Set inputFile = curFile

If Not objFso.FileExists( inputFile ) Then
    WriteLine "Unable to find your input file " & inputFile
End If

objPPT.Visible = TRUE
objPPT.Presentations.Open inputFile

Set objPresentation = objPPT.ActivePresentation
Set objPrintOptions = objPresentation.PrintOptions

objPrintOptions.Ranges.Add 1,objPresentation.Slides.Count
objPrintOptions.RangeType = ppShowAll

objPresentation.ExportAsFixedFormat curDir & curFile.Name & ".pdf", ppFixedFormatTypePDF, ppFixedFormatIntentScreen, msoTrue, ppPrintHandoutHorizontalFirst, ppPrintOutputSlides, msoFalse, objPrintOptions.Ranges(1), ppPrintAll, "Slideshow Name", False, False, False, False, False



