

我需要知道Swap内存满的实际效果是什么?我已经有足够的内存,但它仍在使用交换内存?我正在使用带有 Oracle 11g 数据库的服务器。那么如果由于交换内存已满会对数据库产生影响吗?当前场景如果服务器内存使用情况

free -h
         total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:       31G         10G        176M         17G         20G        2.9G
Swap:     2.0G        2.0G        152K


看看这个关联。这里您的系统大约有一个可用的 RAM 3GB。但系统仍在使用交换空间。

  1. 系统可以根据需要从交换空间进行换入/换出。
  2. 但如果有很多换入/换出操作,即很多磁盘操作,最终会影响应用程序的性能。积极交换对数据库的影响可能是查询需要更长的时间才能获取结果。可能会对系统产生总体影响表现
  3. 只是为了大致了解您的系统如何运行,请运行命令sar -B并观察该列%vmeff

%vmeff Calculated as pgsteal / pgscan, this is a metric of the efficiency of page reclaim. If it is near 100% then almost every page coming off the tail of the inactive list is being reaped. If it gets too low (e.g. less than 30%) then the virtual memory is having some difficulty. This field is displayed as zero if no pages have been scanned during the interval of time.

样本输出sar -B 1

05:12:13 PM  pgpgin/s pgpgout/s   fault/s  majflt/s  pgfree/s pgscank/s pgscand/s pgsteal/s    %vmeff
05:12:14 PM      0.00    294.95     33.33      0.00    313.13      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00
05:12:15 PM      8.00    377.00     35.00      0.00    433.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00


