

我们有一封电子邮件转发[email protected]到客户的个人电子邮件地址,但该地址不在该服务器或域上。客户收到了一封发给 的“未送达”通知[email protected],他们说他们不是发送这封从未送达的电子邮件的人。以下是通知电子邮件的内容:

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.
A message that you sent has not yet been delivered to one or more of its
recipients after more than 720 hours on the queue on otherserver.com.

The message identifier is:     1VAhiC-0003UW-KY
The subject of the message is: How to Get Skinny
The date of the message is:    Sat, 17 Aug 2013 11:34:15 -0200

The address to which the message has not yet been delivered is:

  save to /home/izs/imap/otherserver/info/Maildir/.INBOX.spam/new/
    generated by [email protected]

No action is required on your part. Delivery attempts will continue for
some time, and this warning may be repeated at intervals if the message
remains undelivered. Eventually the mail delivery software will give up,
and when that happens, the message will be returned to you.

我们与 没有任何关联otherdomain.com。据我所知, 不可能[email protected]发送这封电子邮件,因为这只是转发。


如果相关的话,我们正在 Bluehost 上使用共享主机。


这被称为“欺骗”,由于电子邮件的工作方式,它就像输入不同的电子邮件地址一样简单,然后 *poof!* 我或任何其他人都可以以 的身份发送电子邮件[email protected]。无需访问处理域邮件的帐户或服务器。


如果你想防止欺骗,你可以实施SPF 记录在您的 DNS 中,定义哪些服务器(如果有)可以为您的域发送邮件。接收服务器可以(但不是必须)使用 SPF 记录来验证传入邮件的有效性。
