Windows 8 never uses more than 8 GB memory although 16 GB are apparently available

Windows 8 never uses more than 8 GB memory although 16 GB are apparently available

I have Windows 8 64bit PC with 16 GB memory installed. All the memory is properly recognized on my Asus motherboard and also by Windows as shown in the picture below.

I like to have many browser tabs open while watching videos in the background etc. so I expected someday to max my memory.

But I have never observed a memory usage over 8GB. What is going on? Is Windows not configured to take advantage of all that memory, or is it some sort of memory management?

Task manager showing the max memory usage observed


What you're seeing is totally normal. Windows never maxes out it's memory unless you have the page file disabled while running seriously memory-intensive tasks. It's actually surprising that Windows is even using 8GB, I would expect less, given at the time you took this screencap it was only using 40% of the processor and disk activity was low.

Watching a web video is not an intensive activity for a system with 16 GB of RAM. If you really want the number go up just for peace of mind, turn off the page file and run a really complex 3D render. Even then, you probably won't approach maximum utilization because Windows manages memory (fairly) well.
