WD MBWE II(白色条形灯)2TB - 无法访问数据

WD MBWE II(白色条形灯)2TB - 无法访问数据

我有一台 WD MBWE II(白色条形灯)2TB - (WD20000H2NC-00)



Web GUI 仍然有效,SSH 有效。我将两个驱动器连接到 PC 上,UFS Explorer 可以看到驱动器。但到目前为止,我无法检索任何数据。我不记得第一次拿到驱动器时​​使用了什么 RAID 设置。我可以从 GUI 中看到它被设置为“Stripe”。

这个驱动器里有我 10 年的家庭照片,我真的不想丢失。可悲又愚蠢的是,我甚至没有保留这个驱动器的备份。


Ubuntu 上的磁盘实用程序报告一个驱动器上有 1405 个坏扇区。



~ # mdadm --detail /dev/md[012345678]

        Version : 0.90
  Creation Time : Wed Jul 15 08:36:17 2009
     Raid Level : raid1
     Array Size : 1959872 (1914.26 MiB 2006.91 MB)
  Used Dev Size : 1959872 (1914.26 MiB 2006.91 MB)
   Raid Devices : 2
  Total Devices : 2
Preferred Minor : 0
    Persistence : Superblock is persistent

    Update Time : Fri Nov  1 13:53:29 2013
          State : clean
 Active Devices : 2
Working Devices : 2
 Failed Devices : 0
  Spare Devices : 0

           UUID : 04f7a661:98983b3b:26b29e4f:9b646adb
         Events : 0.266

    Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
       0       8        1        0      active sync   /dev/sda1
       1       8       17        1      active sync   /dev/sdb1
        Version : 0.90
  Creation Time : Wed Jul 15 08:36:18 2009
     Raid Level : raid1
     Array Size : 256896 (250.92 MiB 263.06 MB)
  Used Dev Size : 256896 (250.92 MiB 263.06 MB)
   Raid Devices : 2
  Total Devices : 2
Preferred Minor : 1
    Persistence : Superblock is persistent

    Update Time : Wed Oct 30 22:08:21 2013
          State : clean
 Active Devices : 2
Working Devices : 2
 Failed Devices : 0
  Spare Devices : 0

           UUID : aaa7b859:c475312d:efc5a766:6526b867
         Events : 0.10

    Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
       0       8        2        0      active sync   /dev/sda2
       1       8       18        1      active sync   /dev/sdb2
        Version : 0.90
  Creation Time : Sat Sep 25 10:01:26 2010
     Raid Level : raid0
     Array Size : 1947045760 (1856.85 GiB 1993.77 GB)
   Raid Devices : 2
  Total Devices : 2
Preferred Minor : 2
    Persistence : Superblock is persistent

    Update Time : Fri Nov  1 13:30:53 2013
          State : active
 Active Devices : 2
Working Devices : 2
 Failed Devices : 0
  Spare Devices : 0

     Chunk Size : 64K

           UUID : 01dae60a:6831077b:77f74530:8680c183
         Events : 0.97

    Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
       0       8        4        0      active sync   /dev/sda4
       1       8       20        1      active sync   /dev/sdb4
        Version : 0.90
  Creation Time : Wed Jul 15 08:36:18 2009
     Raid Level : raid1
     Array Size : 987904 (964.91 MiB 1011.61 MB)
  Used Dev Size : 987904 (964.91 MiB 1011.61 MB)
   Raid Devices : 2
  Total Devices : 2
Preferred Minor : 3
    Persistence : Superblock is persistent

    Update Time : Fri Nov  1 13:26:33 2013
          State : clean
 Active Devices : 2
Working Devices : 2
 Failed Devices : 0
  Spare Devices : 0

           UUID : 3f4099f2:72e6171b:5ba962fd:48464a62
         Events : 0.54

    Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
       0       8        3        0      active sync   /dev/sda3
       1       8       19        1      active sync   /dev/sdb3
mdadm: md device /dev/md4 does not appear to be active.
mdadm: md device /dev/md5 does not appear to be active.
mdadm: md device /dev/md6 does not appear to be active.
mdadm: md device /dev/md7 does not appear to be active.
mdadm: md device /dev/md8 does not appear to be active.

~ # cat /etc/mtab

securityfs /sys/kernel/security securityfs rw 0 0
/dev/md2 /DataVolume xfs rw,usrquota 0 0
/dev/md4 /ExtendVolume xfs rw,usrquota 0 0

~ # df -k

Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/md0               1929044    145092   1685960   8% /
/dev/md3                972344    123452    799500  13% /var
/dev/ram0                63412        20     63392   0% /mnt/ram

~ # mdadm -D /dev/md2

        Version : 0.90
  Creation Time : Sat Sep 25 10:01:26 2010
     Raid Level : raid0
     Array Size : 1947045760 (1856.85 GiB 1993.77 GB)
   Raid Devices : 2
  Total Devices : 2
Preferred Minor : 2
    Persistence : Superblock is persistent

    Update Time : Fri Nov  1 13:30:53 2013
          State : active
 Active Devices : 2
Working Devices : 2
 Failed Devices : 0
  Spare Devices : 0

     Chunk Size : 64K

           UUID : 01dae60a:6831077b:77f74530:8680c183
         Events : 0.97

    Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
       0       8        4        0      active sync   /dev/sda4
       1       8       20        1      active sync   /dev/sdb4

~ # mdadm -D /dev/md4

mdadm: md device /dev/md4 does not appear to be active.

~ # mount

/dev/root on / type ext3 (rw,noatime,data=ordered)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
sys on /sys type sysfs (rw)
/dev/pts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw)
securityfs on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw)
/dev/md3 on /var type ext3 (rw,noatime,data=ordered)
/dev/ram0 on /mnt/ram type tmpfs (rw)

~ # cat /var/log/messages

Oct 29 18:04:50 shmotashNAS daemon.warn wixEvent[3462]: Network Link - NIC 1 link is down.
Oct 29 18:04:59 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3462]: Network Link - NIC 1 link is up 100 Mbps full duplex.
Oct 29 18:04:59 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3462]: Network IP Address - NIC 1 use static IP address
Oct 29 18:17:45 shmotashNAS daemon.warn wixEvent[3462]: Network Link - NIC 1 link is down.
Oct 29 18:17:53 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3462]: Network Link - NIC 1 link is up 100 Mbps full duplex.
Oct 29 18:17:53 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3462]: Network IP Address - NIC 1 use static IP address
Oct 30 00:50:11 shmotashNAS daemon.warn wixEvent[3462]: Network Link - NIC 1 link is down.
Oct 30 00:50:19 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3462]: Network Link - NIC 1 link is up 100 Mbps full duplex.
Oct 30 00:50:19 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3462]: Network IP Address - NIC 1 use static IP address
Oct 30 16:29:47 shmotashNAS daemon.warn wixEvent[3462]: Network Link - NIC 1 link is down.
Oct 30 16:30:00 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3462]: Network Link - NIC 1 link is up 100 Mbps full duplex.
Oct 30 16:30:00 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3462]: Network IP Address - NIC 1 use static IP address
Oct 30 18:27:22 shmotashNAS daemon.warn wixEvent[3462]: Network Link - NIC 1 link is down.
Oct 30 18:27:30 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3462]: Network Link - NIC 1 link is up 100 Mbps full duplex.
Oct 30 18:27:30 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3462]: Network IP Address - NIC 1 use static IP address
Oct 30 19:06:03 shmotashNAS daemon.warn wixEvent[3462]: Network Link - NIC 1 link is down.
Oct 30 19:06:10 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3462]: Network Link - NIC 1 link is up 100 Mbps full duplex.
Oct 30 19:06:10 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3462]: Network IP Address - NIC 1 use static IP address
Oct 30 19:14:58 shmotashNAS daemon.warn wixEvent[3462]: Media Server - Media Server cannot find the path to one or more of the default folders: /Public/Shared Music, /Public/Shared Pictures or /Public/Shared Videos. Please verify that these folders have not been removed or that the names have not been changed.
Oct 30 19:20:05 shmotashNAS daemon.alert wixEvent[3462]: Thermal Alarm - System temperature exceeded threshold.(66 degrees)
Oct 30 19:58:29 shmotashNAS daemon.alert wixEvent[3462]: HDD SMART - HDD 1 SMART Health Status: Failed.
Oct 30 22:05:39 shmotashNAS daemon.info init: Starting pid 13043, console /dev/null: '/usr/bin/killall'
Oct 30 22:05:39 shmotashNAS syslog.info System log daemon exiting.
Oct 30 22:08:09 shmotashNAS syslog.info syslogd started: BusyBox v1.1.1
Oct 30 22:08:09 shmotashNAS daemon.warn wixEvent[3557]: Network Link - NIC 1 link is down.
Oct 30 22:08:19 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3557]: Network Link - NIC 1 link is up 100 Mbps full duplex.
Oct 30 22:08:25 shmotashNAS daemon.warn wixEvent[3557]: Network Link - NIC 1 link is down.
Oct 30 22:08:37 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3557]: Network Link - NIC 1 link is up 100 Mbps full duplex.
Oct 30 22:08:44 shmotashNAS daemon.warn wixEvent[3557]: Network Link - NIC 1 link is down.
Oct 30 22:08:46 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler:   +++++++++++++++ START OF ./miocrawler at 2013:10:30 - 22:08:46 [Version] ++++++++++++++  
Oct 30 22:08:46 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: mc_db_init ... 
Oct 30 22:08:46 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: ****** database does not exist. ret = -1, creating path 
Oct 30 22:08:49 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: === mc_db_init ...Done. 
Oct 30 22:08:50 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: mcUtilsInit() Creating free queue pool  
Oct 30 22:08:51 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: === mcUtilsInit() Done.  
Oct 30 22:08:51 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: === inotify init done.  
Oct 30 22:08:51 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: mc_trans_updater_init() ... 
Oct 30 22:08:52 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: === mc_trans_updater_init() ...Done. 
Oct 30 22:08:52 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: === Walking directory done.  
Oct 30 22:08:57 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3557]: Network Link - NIC 1 link is up 100 Mbps full duplex.
Oct 30 22:08:57 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3557]: Network IP Address - NIC 1 use static IP address
Oct 30 22:08:57 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3557]: Network IP Address - NIC 1 use static IP address
Oct 30 22:08:57 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3557]: Network IP Address - NIC 1 use static IP address
Oct 30 22:09:10 shmotashNAS daemon.info init: Starting pid 4605, console /dev/null: '/bin/touch'
Oct 30 22:09:10 shmotashNAS daemon.info init: Starting pid 4607, console /dev/ttyS0: '/sbin/getty'
Oct 30 22:09:10 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3557]: System Startup - System startup.
Oct 30 22:09:16 shmotashNAS daemon.warn wixEvent[3557]: Media Server - Media Server cannot find the path to one or more of the default folders: /Public/Shared Music, /Public/Shared Pictures or /Public/Shared Videos. Please verify that these folders have not been removed or that the names have not been changed.
Oct 30 22:14:14 shmotashNAS daemon.warn wixEvent[3557]: Network Link - NIC 1 link is down.
Oct 30 22:14:21 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3557]: Network Link - NIC 1 link is up 100 Mbps full duplex.
Oct 30 22:14:21 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3557]: Network IP Address - NIC 1 use static IP address
Oct 30 22:29:36 shmotashNAS daemon.warn wixEvent[3557]: System Reboot - System will reboot.
Oct 30 22:29:40 shmotashNAS daemon.info init: Starting pid 5974, console /dev/null: '/usr/bin/killall'
Oct 30 22:29:40 shmotashNAS syslog.info System log daemon exiting.
Oct 30 22:47:56 shmotashNAS syslog.info syslogd started: BusyBox v1.1.1
Oct 30 22:47:56 shmotashNAS daemon.warn wixEvent[3461]: Network Link - NIC 1 link is down.
Oct 30 22:48:02 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3461]: Network Link - NIC 1 link is up 100 Mbps full duplex.
Oct 30 22:48:02 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3461]: Network IP Address - NIC 1 use static IP address
Oct 30 22:48:09 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler:   +++++++++++++++ START OF ./miocrawler at 2013:10:30 - 22:48:09 [Version] ++++++++++++++  
Oct 30 22:48:09 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: mc_db_init ... 
Oct 30 22:48:09 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: ++++++++ database exists: ret = 0 
Oct 30 22:48:10 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: === mc_db_init ...Done. 
Oct 30 22:48:10 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: mcUtilsInit() Creating free queue pool  
Oct 30 22:48:11 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: === mcUtilsInit() Done.  
Oct 30 22:48:11 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: === inotify init done.  
Oct 30 22:48:11 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: mc_trans_updater_init() ... 
Oct 30 22:48:11 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: === mc_trans_updater_init() ...Done. 
Oct 30 22:48:11 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: === Walking directory done.  
Oct 30 22:48:27 shmotashNAS daemon.info init: Starting pid 4079, console /dev/null: '/bin/touch'
Oct 30 22:48:27 shmotashNAS daemon.info init: Starting pid 4080, console /dev/ttyS0: '/sbin/getty'
Oct 30 22:48:28 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3461]: System Startup - System startup.
Oct 30 22:49:01 shmotashNAS daemon.warn wixEvent[3461]: Media Server - Media Server cannot find the path to one or more of the default folders: /Public/Shared Music, /Public/Shared Pictures or /Public/Shared Videos. Please verify that these folders have not been removed or that the names have not been changed.
Oct 30 23:51:11 shmotashNAS daemon.warn wixEvent[3461]: System Reboot - System will reboot.
Oct 30 23:51:16 shmotashNAS daemon.info init: Starting pid 6498, console /dev/null: '/usr/bin/killall'
Oct 30 23:51:16 shmotashNAS syslog.info System log daemon exiting.
Oct 30 23:54:19 shmotashNAS syslog.info syslogd started: BusyBox v1.1.1
Oct 30 23:55:37 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3476]: Network Link - NIC 1 link is up 100 Mbps full duplex.
Oct 30 23:55:37 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3476]: Network IP Address - NIC 1 use static IP address
Oct 30 23:55:44 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler:   +++++++++++++++ START OF ./miocrawler at 2013:10:30 - 23:55:44 [Version] ++++++++++++++  
Oct 30 23:55:44 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: mc_db_init ... 
Oct 30 23:55:44 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: ++++++++ database exists: ret = 0 
Oct 30 23:55:45 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: === mc_db_init ...Done. 
Oct 30 23:55:45 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: mcUtilsInit() Creating free queue pool  
Oct 30 23:55:46 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: === mcUtilsInit() Done.  
Oct 30 23:55:46 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: === inotify init done.  
Oct 30 23:55:46 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: mc_trans_updater_init() ... 
Oct 30 23:55:46 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: === mc_trans_updater_init() ...Done. 
Oct 30 23:55:46 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: === Walking directory done.  
Oct 30 23:55:58 shmotashNAS daemon.info init: Starting pid 4115, console /dev/null: '/bin/touch'
Oct 30 23:55:58 shmotashNAS daemon.info init: Starting pid 4116, console /dev/ttyS0: '/sbin/getty'
Oct 30 23:55:58 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3476]: System Startup - System startup.
Oct 30 23:56:33 shmotashNAS daemon.warn wixEvent[3476]: Media Server - Media Server cannot find the path to one or more of the default folders: /Public/Shared Music, /Public/Shared Pictures or /Public/Shared Videos. Please verify that these folders have not been removed or that the names have not been changed.
Oct 31 00:29:14 shmotashNAS auth.info sshd[5409]: Server listening on port 22.
Oct 31 00:31:25 shmotashNAS auth.info sshd[5486]: Accepted password for root from port 50785 ssh2
Oct 31 00:33:44 shmotashNAS auth.info sshd[5565]: Accepted password for root from port 50817 ssh2
Oct 31 00:36:39 shmotashNAS daemon.info init: Starting pid 5680, console /dev/null: '/usr/bin/killall'
Oct 31 00:36:39 shmotashNAS syslog.info System log daemon exiting.
Oct 31 00:40:44 shmotashNAS syslog.info syslogd started: BusyBox v1.1.1
Oct 31 00:40:51 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3464]: Network Link - NIC 1 link is up 100 Mbps full duplex.
Oct 31 00:40:51 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3464]: Network IP Address - NIC 1 use static IP address
Oct 31 00:41:00 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler:   +++++++++++++++ START OF ./miocrawler at 2013:10:31 - 00:41:00 [Version] ++++++++++++++  
Oct 31 00:41:00 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: mc_db_init ... 
Oct 31 00:41:00 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: ++++++++ database exists: ret = 0 
Oct 31 00:41:00 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: === mc_db_init ...Done. 
Oct 31 00:41:01 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: mcUtilsInit() Creating free queue pool  
Oct 31 00:41:02 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: === mcUtilsInit() Done.  
Oct 31 00:41:02 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: === inotify init done.  
Oct 31 00:41:02 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: mc_trans_updater_init() ... 
Oct 31 00:41:02 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: === mc_trans_updater_init() ...Done. 
Oct 31 00:41:02 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: === Walking directory done.  
Oct 31 00:41:14 shmotashNAS daemon.info init: Starting pid 4101, console /dev/null: '/bin/touch'
Oct 31 00:41:14 shmotashNAS daemon.info init: Starting pid 4102, console /dev/ttyS0: '/sbin/getty'
Oct 31 00:41:15 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3464]: System Startup - System startup.
Oct 31 00:41:47 shmotashNAS daemon.warn wixEvent[3464]: Media Server - Media Server cannot find the path to one or more of the default folders: /Public/Shared Music, /Public/Shared Pictures or /Public/Shared Videos. Please verify that these folders have not been removed or that the names have not been changed.
Oct 31 01:13:19 shmotashNAS daemon.info init: Starting pid 5385, console /dev/null: '/usr/bin/killall'
Oct 31 01:13:19 shmotashNAS syslog.info System log daemon exiting.
Nov  1 13:26:25 shmotashNAS syslog.info syslogd started: BusyBox v1.1.1
Nov  1 13:26:32 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3471]: Network Link - NIC 1 link is up 100 Mbps full duplex.
Nov  1 13:26:32 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3471]: Network IP Address - NIC 1 use static IP address
Nov  1 13:26:38 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler:   +++++++++++++++ START OF ./miocrawler at 2013:11:01 - 13:26:38 [Version] ++++++++++++++  
Nov  1 13:26:38 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: mc_db_init ... 
Nov  1 13:26:38 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: ++++++++ database exists: ret = 0 
Nov  1 13:26:39 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: === mc_db_init ...Done. 
Nov  1 13:26:39 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: mcUtilsInit() Creating free queue pool  
Nov  1 13:26:40 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: === mcUtilsInit() Done.  
Nov  1 13:26:40 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: === inotify init done.  
Nov  1 13:26:40 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: mc_trans_updater_init() ... 
Nov  1 13:26:40 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: === mc_trans_updater_init() ...Done. 
Nov  1 13:26:40 shmotashNAS syslog.info miocrawler: === Walking directory done.  
Nov  1 13:26:52 shmotashNAS daemon.info init: Starting pid 4078, console /dev/null: '/bin/touch'
Nov  1 13:26:52 shmotashNAS daemon.info init: Starting pid 4079, console /dev/ttyS0: '/sbin/getty'
Nov  1 13:26:52 shmotashNAS daemon.info wixEvent[3471]: System Startup - System startup.
Nov  1 13:27:28 shmotashNAS daemon.warn wixEvent[3471]: Media Server - Media Server cannot find the path to one or more of the default folders: /Public/Shared Music, /Public/Shared Pictures or /Public/Shared Videos. Please verify that these folders have not been removed or that the names have not been changed.
Nov  1 13:44:48 shmotashNAS auth.info sshd[5375]: Accepted password for root from port 50217 ssh2
Nov  1 13:51:08 shmotashNAS auth.info sshd[5894]: Accepted password for root from port 50380 ssh2


