思科 Jabber 视频客户端不支持 Linux。我想使用第三方 XMPP 客户端(如 Pidgin)连接到公司的其他用户。这可以吗?
Jabber 视频设置屏幕:
Pidgin 设置屏幕:
有什么建议可以解决此问题吗?到目前为止,填写 Pidgin 中的各个字段尚未成功,但也许我遗漏了一些东西...
Cisco Webex Connect IM 使用 Jabber 作为聊天协议,因此 Pidgin(或任何 Jabber 客户端)应该能够使用它。以下是在 Pidgin 中配置 Webex Connect 帐户的方法:
XMPP protocol Basic tab Username: first part of your Webex username before the @domain Domain: the part of your webex username after the @ sign. Resource: blank Password: your Webex IM password Local alias: whatever you want to show up for you locally in the chat window when you send messages, such as your username, instead of the lengthy Jabber ID string Advanced tab Connect port: 5222 Connect server: c2s.<your domain>.webexconnect.com
Jabber(显然还有 Pidgin)具有会议/聊天室支持,Webex Connect 也通过自定义会议服务器提供会议/聊天室支持:
Buddies menu: Join a chat Account: choose the XMPP Webex account Room name: whatever you want, or a known existing one Server: conference.isj1.webex.com (should already be filled in) Handle: whatever username you want Inviting people once in the room: Conversation menu: Invite Buddy: enter their email address. Should show a list of matching names to select and invite.