我该如何编写脚本让 MacBook 每天早上打开电脑时打开 Day One?

我该如何编写脚本让 MacBook 每天早上打开电脑时打开 Day One?


我认为使用 AppleScript 和 Automator(可能还有其他一些东西)的组合应该可以实现,但我对 Mac 世界还很陌生,所以我需要一点帮助。


on wakeup, if time is between 6am and 8:30am
    quit all apps except Day One
    start Day One
end if



我安装了睡眠观察者通过 MacPorts 并将其设置为在唤醒时运行以下 AppleScript;

if hours of the (current date) is greater than 6 then if hours of the (current date) is less than 9 then
    tell application "System Events"
        set theResults to get buttons of (windows of (application processes whose visible is true)) whose description is "close button" -- a list of visible applications, containing a list of windows, containing a list of (one) buttons

        repeat with anApp in theResults
            if contents of anApp is not in {} then -- windows are open
                repeat with eachWindow in (items of anApp)
                    click first item of eachWindow -- only the one minimize button
                end repeat
            end if
        end repeat
    end tell

    tell application "Day One" to activate
end if

如果唤醒脚本激活的时间在早上 6 点到 8 点之间,它会关闭所有打开的窗口并启动 Day One。
