开机蜂鸣 - 我的主板是不是在播放水龙头?现在它无法开机

开机蜂鸣 - 我的主板是不是在播放水龙头?现在它无法开机

我有一块华硕 P5Q Pro Turbo 主板。我将其用作家庭文件服务器。

它放在一个机箱里,里面总共有 8 个 SATA 驱动器,大部分是绿色环保型,来自不同品牌。其中四个连接在主板上,另外四个连接在两个附加卡上。


但是,卸下驱动器后,它仍然发出哔哔声。重新启动时,它无法看到一个驱动器,然后又看不到另一个。尝试移除一些内存和卡 - 仍然发出哔哔声。最后它突然断电,现在无论如何都无法开机。尝试了不同的电源等。


我数了一下,POST 期间有 11 声短促的哔哔声。华硕 POST 代码中没有涵盖这一点。

这是约克城级处理器,我有 8 个 SATA 驱动器(和 1 个很少使用的 DVD),以及 8GB 内存和风扇,但没有什么特别的。没有 OC。


(1) 650W 电源是不是太小了?这是 Antec EarthWatts。尝试移除 RAM 和卡,但仍然无法启动。使用这台 PS 运行了好几个月,效果确实很好 - 如果太小,那它不是一直都太小了吗?

(2) 或者 PS 可能坏了?主板上确实有绿灯(即使系统无法启动),所以有电。

(2) 有人想猜一下连续 11 声哔哔声(然后静音)是什么意思吗?根据我在 Google 上搜索到的 ASUS POST 文档,四声哔哔声表示电源或温度:


我真的不认为它过热——它是在地下室里,而且,现在是二月——这个房间的环境温度可能低于 70F。


看起来 Christopher N. Boisjoli 给出了正确的答案,但对于搜索类似问题的其他读者,请在 Google 上搜索术语“哔声代码”和您的特定主板制造商。您应该会找到一份列表,其中列出了不同的哔声代码的含义以及您可以采取的措施。


快速搜索显示,华硕主板上发出 11 声哔声意味着 L2 缓存损坏。


| Beeps            | Error Description                                                                                                                                                  |
| 1 short          | DRAM refresh failure; The programmable interrupt timer or programmable interrupt controller has probably failed.                                                   |
| 2 short          | Memory parity error; A memory parity error has occurred in the first 64K of RAM.  The RAM IC is probably bad.                                                      |
| 3 short          | Base 64K memory failure; A memory failure has occurred in the first 64K of RAM.  The RAM IC is probably bad.                                                       |
| 4 short          | System timer failure; The system clock/timer IC has failed or there is a memory error in the first bank of memory.                                                 |
| 5 short          | Processor error; The system CPU has failed.                                                                                                                        |
| 6 short          | Gate A20 failure; The keyboard controller IC has failed, which is not allowing Gate A20 to switch the processor to protected mode. Replace the keyboard controller.|
| 7 short          | Virtual mode processor exception error; The CPU has generated an exception error because of a fault in the CPU or motherboard circuitry.                           |
| 8 short          | Display memory read/write error; The system video adapter is missing or defective.                                                                                 |
| 9 short          | ROM checksum error; The contents of the system BIOS ROM does not match the expected checksum value.  The BIOS ROM is probably defective and should be replaced.    |
| 10 short         | CMOS shutdown register read/write error; The shutdown for the CMOS has failed.                                                                                     |
| 11 short         | Cache error; The L2 cache is faulty.                                                                                                                               |
| 1 long, 2 short  | Failure in video system; An error was encountered in the video BIOS ROM, or a horizontal retrace failure has been encountered.                                     |
| 1 long, 3 short  | Memory test failure; A fault has been detected in memory above 64KB.                                                                                               |
| 1 long, 8 short  | Display test failure; The video adapter is either missing or defective.                                                                                            |
| 2 short          | POST Failure; One of the hardware testa have failed.                                                                                                               |
| 1 long           | POST has passed all tests.                                                                                                                                         |
