我在 Windows 8 上使用 IE10 测试了这个脚本,作者在 Windows 8.1 上使用 Internet Explorer 11 测试了这个脚本,但我认为它也应该适用于以前的版本……它是从这里
请记住,执行脚本后必须重新启动 Internet Explorer。
# This function toggle between the following Internet Explorer Settings
# Explicit Proxy Disabled and automatically detect proxy set to ON
# Explicit proxy Enabled and automatically detect proxy set to OFF
#provide your proxy here
$proxyServerToDefine = ""
function Set-AutomaticallyDetectProxySettings ($enable)
# Read connection settings from Internet Explorer.
$regKeyPath = "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections\"
$conSet = $(Get-ItemProperty $regKeyPath).DefaultConnectionSettings
# Index into DefaultConnectionSettings where the relevant flag resides.
$flagIndex = 8
# Bit inside the relevant flag which indicates whether or not to enable automatically detect proxy settings.
$autoProxyFlag = 8
if ($enable)
if ($($conSet[$flagIndex] -band $autoProxyFlag) -eq $autoProxyFlag)
Write-Host "Enabling 'Automatically detect proxy settings'."
$conSet[$flagIndex] = $conSet[$flagIndex] -bor $autoProxyFlag
Set-ItemProperty -Path $regKeyPath -Name DefaultConnectionSettings -Value $conSet
if ($($conSet[$flagIndex] -band $autoProxyFlag) -eq $autoProxyFlag)
# 'Automatically detect proxy settings' was enabled, adding one disables it.
Write-Host "Disabling 'Automatically detect proxy settings'."
$mask = -bnot $autoProxyFlag
$conSet[$flagIndex] = $conSet[$flagIndex] -band $mask
Set-ItemProperty -Path $regKeyPath -Name DefaultConnectionSettings -Value $conSet
$conSet = $(Get-ItemProperty $regKeyPath).DefaultConnectionSettings
if ($($conSet[$flagIndex] -band $autoProxyFlag) -ne $autoProxyFlag)
Write-Host "'Automatically detect proxy settings' is disabled."
Write-Host "'Automatically detect proxy settings' is enabled."
$regKey="HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings"
$proxyServer = ""
Write-Host "Retrieve the proxy server ..."
$proxyServer = Get-ItemProperty -path $regKey ProxyServer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Host $proxyServer
Write-Host "Proxy is actually disabled"
Set-AutomaticallyDetectProxySettings ($false)
Set-ItemProperty -path $regKey ProxyEnable -value 1
Set-ItemProperty -path $regKey ProxyServer -value $proxyServerToDefine
Write-Host "Proxy is now enabled"
Write-Host "Proxy is actually enabled"
Set-AutomaticallyDetectProxySettings ($true)
Set-ItemProperty -path $regKey ProxyEnable -value 0
Remove-ItemProperty -path $regKey -name ProxyServer
Write-Host "Proxy is now disabled"