在 Powerpoint 2013 演示过程中以特定间隔添加弹出提醒

在 Powerpoint 2013 演示过程中以特定间隔添加弹出提醒


5 of 50 (10%)

上述详细信息通过宏定位在页码占位符中。我觉得需要在特定时间间隔内进行提醒,以便了解已用时多少以及已完成多少张幻灯片。我需要的是这样的提示,在演示过程中出现三次。分别在 25%、50% 和 75% 时。Powerpoint 2013 已在演示者视图中显示已用时间,但观众看不到。有什么解决办法吗?提醒会弹出,停留 3 秒,然后消失。我会负责弹出窗口的设计等,只需要一种方法让它在这些特定时间间隔出现。



Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lSleepTime As Long)

Sub OnSlideShowPageChange(ByVal oWindow As SlideShowWindow)
' This will fire with every slide change

    With oWindow.View.Slide

        ' Obviously, this isn't what you want to do, but the two values
        ' will give you the info you need to calculate your 25/50/75% points
        ' and do whatever you need at that point
        MsgBox "This is slide: " & .SlideIndex & " of " & .Parent.Slides.Count

        ' You could instead display a user form that gives the message you want
        ' and include a call to the Sleep API above to have it wait X seconds
        ' then Hide/unload itself

    End With
End Sub
