使用 Grep 查找错误消息周围的块

使用 Grep 查找错误消息周围的块

我想 grep 特定错误消息周围的日志块。假设我知道我的日志如下所示:

[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.294512 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : Started GET "/ems_infra/new"  for at 2014-04-10 15:12:36 -0400 
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs 
[----] F, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.346380 #1910:e93004] FATAL -- : Error caught: [NoMethodError] undefined method `invert' for nil:NilClass
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.369320 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 69ms (Views: 22.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)

我对整个区块都很感兴趣。有没有办法让我的 grep 以错误为中心FATAL,并抓取到Started GET和 到Completed 200 OK

我知道这grep -B 123 -A 456 "FATAL" file.txt可以解决问题,但这需要我提前知道FATAL第一行(123)和最后一行(456)之间的距离[1]。



恐怕 grep 没有这样的功能。perl 和/或 python 可能有。我一时兴起(没有花太多心思)就想出了以下 awk 组合。

 awk '/Started GET/{print ""};1' blurble | awk 'BEGIN{RS=ORS="\n\n";FS=OFS="\n"}/FATAL/{print $0}'


[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.294512 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : Started GET "/ems_infra/new"  for at 2014-04-10 15:12:36 -0400 
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs 
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs 
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs 
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs 
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs 
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs 
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs 
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs 
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs 
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs 
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.369320 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 69ms (Views: 22.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.294512 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : Started GET "/ems_infra/new"  for at 2014-04-10 15:12:36 -0400 
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs 
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs 
[----] F, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.346380 #1910:e93004] FATAL -- : Error caught: [NoMethodError] undefined method `invert' for nil:NilClass
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs 
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs 
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.369320 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 69ms (Views: 22.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.294512 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : Started GET "/ems_infra/new"  for at 2014-04-10 15:12:36 -0400 
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.369320 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 69ms (Views: 22.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.294512 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : Started GET "/ems_infra/new"  for at 2014-04-10 15:12:36 -0400 
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs 
[----] F, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.346380 #1910:e93004] FATAL -- : Error caught: [NoMethodError] undefined method `invert' for nil:NilClass
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.369320 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 69ms (Views: 22.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)

对该文件(我称之为 blurble)运行两个 awk 会得到以下输出:

[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.294512 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : Started GET "/ems_infra/new"  for at 2014-04-10 15:12:36 -0400 
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs 
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs 
[----] F, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.346380 #1910:e93004] FATAL -- : Error caught: [NoMethodError] undefined method `invert' for nil:NilClass
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs 
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs 
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.369320 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 69ms (Views: 22.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)

[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.294512 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : Started GET "/ems_infra/new"  for at 2014-04-10 15:12:36 -0400 
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs 
[----] F, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.346380 #1910:e93004] FATAL -- : Error caught: [NoMethodError] undefined method `invert' for nil:NilClass
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.345863 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : other random logs
[----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.369320 #1910:e93004]  INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 69ms (Views: 22.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)



./blocks.pl --delim '开始 GET|完成 200 OK' --term 'FATAL'

它将日志分成以 --delim 开头或结尾的块,并打印包含 --term 的块


这是使用 sed 的一行代码

sed -n '/Started/,/Completed/H;/Completed/{z;x;/FATAL/p}' log


# do not print lines unless explicitly told to do so
sed -n '

  # put everything between Started and Completed in hold space
  /Started/,/Completed/ H;

  # if at Completed
  /Completed/ {

    # empty the pattern space

    # switch hold space with pattern space

    # if FATAL in pattern space then print


' log


如果空行让您感到困扰,您可以将其过滤掉...使用另一个 sed 命令。

sed -n '/Started/,/Completed/H;/Completed/{z;x;/FATAL/p}' log | sed '/^$/d'

或者你可以放置一个标记,使该命令的输出几乎像 grep

sed -n '/Started/,/Completed/H;/Completed/{z;x;/FATAL/p}' log | sed 's/^$/--/'


sed -n '

  # replace hold space with pattern space
  /Started/ h

  /Started/,/Completed/ {

    # skip the first line because it is already in hold space
    /Started/ n

    # append pattern space to hold space

  /Completed/ {

    # switch hold space with pattern space

    # if FATAL in pattern space then print
    /FATAL/ p

' log


sed -n '/Started/h;/Started/,/Completed/{/Started/n;H};/Completed/{x;/FATAL/p}' log
