无法在 PPP 连接上接收 UDP 广播数据包

无法在 PPP 连接上接收 UDP 广播数据包

我已经挣扎了两天,但还是没有成功。我有两个调制解调器(别问,是一些特殊的东西),使用拨号(PPP)连接。我在 Windows XP 上试过,效果很好。我正在发送单播和广播 UPD 数据包。如果我在 Windows 7 上重复此操作,我只能发送单播数据,广播数据包似乎在某处丢失了。我尝试使用 Microsoft 网络监视器,我可以看到广播数据包正在我的 PPP 连接上接收。但之后,它们就消失了。在内核的某个地方。我真的不明白为什么。我禁用了防火墙、防病毒软件、基本过滤引擎,尝试记录丢弃的数据包Windows 筛选平台,尝试清理 WIN7 机器,但都没有成功。


    No.     Time               Source                Destination           Protocol Length Info
      1 13:20:56.093380000         UDP      49     Source port: x11  Destination port: x11

Frame 1: 49 bytes on wire (392 bits), 49 bytes captured (392 bits)
    Encapsulation type: Ethernet (1)
    Arrival Time: May  7, 2014 13:20:56.093380000 Central Europe Daylight Time
    [Time shift for this packet: 0.000000000 seconds]
    Epoch Time: 1399461656.093380000 seconds
    [Time delta from previous captured frame: 0.000000000 seconds]
    [Time delta from previous displayed frame: 0.000000000 seconds]
    [Time since reference or first frame: 0.000000000 seconds]
    Frame Number: 1
    Frame Length: 49 bytes (392 bits)
    Capture Length: 49 bytes (392 bits)
    [Frame is marked: False]
    [Frame is ignored: False]
    [Protocols in frame: eth:ip:udp:data:vssmonitoring]
    [Coloring Rule Name: UDP]
    [Coloring Rule String: udp]
Ethernet II, Src: ae:4e:20:00:01:00 (ae:4e:20:00:01:00), Dst: Xerox_00:00:00 (01:00:01:00:00:00)
    Destination: Xerox_00:00:00 (01:00:01:00:00:00)
        Address: Xerox_00:00:00 (01:00:01:00:00:00)
        .... ..0. .... .... .... .... = LG bit: Globally unique address (factory default)
        .... ...1 .... .... .... .... = IG bit: Group address (multicast/broadcast)
    Source: ae:4e:20:00:01:00 (ae:4e:20:00:01:00)
        Address: ae:4e:20:00:01:00 (ae:4e:20:00:01:00)
        .... ..1. .... .... .... .... = LG bit: Locally administered address (this is NOT the factory default)
        .... ...0 .... .... .... .... = IG bit: Individual address (unicast)
    Type: IP (0x0800)
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: (
    Version: 4
    Header length: 20 bytes
    Differentiated Services Field: 0x00 (DSCP 0x00: Default; ECN: 0x00: Not-ECT (Not ECN-Capable Transport))
        0000 00.. = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Default (0x00)
        .... ..00 = Explicit Congestion Notification: Not-ECT (Not ECN-Capable Transport) (0x00)
    Total Length: 34
    Identification: 0x0032 (50)
    Flags: 0x00
        0... .... = Reserved bit: Not set
        .0.. .... = Don't fragment: Not set
        ..0. .... = More fragments: Not set
    Fragment offset: 0
    Time to live: 126
    Protocol: UDP (17)
    Header checksum: 0xb817 [correct]
        [Good: True]
        [Bad: False]
    Source: (
    Destination: (
    [Source GeoIP: Unknown]
    [Destination GeoIP: Unknown]
User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: x11 (6001), Dst Port: x11 (6001)
    Source port: x11 (6001)
    Destination port: x11 (6001)
    Length: 14
    Checksum: 0xafd1 [validation disabled]
        [Good Checksum: False]
        [Bad Checksum: False]
Data (6 bytes)

0000  34 34 34 34 34 34                                 444444
    Data: 343434343434
    [Length: 6]
VSS-Monitoring ethernet trailer, Source Port: 127
    Src Port: 127

我没什么主意了,如果有人能帮忙,请提供任何想法。我不确定这个功能在 win7 中是否被删除。
