如何启动 icewm?

如何启动 icewm?

我安装了icewm1.2.13。Metacity是我的默认窗口管理器。通常,要替换窗口管理器--replace选项,例如metacity --replace。但我的版本icewm没有此选项。:

# icewm --help
IceWM: using /root/.icewm for private configuration files
Usage: icewm [OPTIONS]
Starts the IceWM window manager.

  --display=NAME      NAME of the X server to use.
  --client-id=ID      Client id to use when contacting session manager.
  --sync              Synchronize X11 commands.

  -c, --config=FILE   Load preferences from FILE.
  -t, --theme=FILE    Load theme from FILE.
  -x, --cursor=[small|medium|large|huge]  cursor size.
  -n, --no-configure  Ignore preferences file.

  -v, --version       Prints version information and exits.
  -h, --help          Prints this usage screen and exits.
  --restart           Don't use this: It's an internal flag.

Environment variables:
  ICEWM_PRIVCFG=PATH  Directory to use for user private configuration files,
                      "$HOME/.icewm/" by default.
  DISPLAY=NAME        Name of the X server to use, depends on Xlib by default.
  MAIL=URL            Location of your mailbox. If the schema is omitted
                      the local "file" schema is assumed.

Visit http://www.icewm.org/ for report bugs, support requests, comments...


# icewm
IceWM: using /root/.icewm for private configuration files
IceWM: xinerama: heads=1
IceWM: xinerama: 0 +0+0 1680x1050
IceWM: xinerama: heads=1
IceWM: xinerama: 0 +0+0 1680x1050
IceWM: Another window manager already running, exiting...


(我使用 Centos 6.5)



# icewm --replace
IceWM: using /root/.icewm for private configuration files
IceWM: xinerama: heads=1
IceWM: xinerama: 0 +0+0 1680x1050
IceWM: xinerama: heads=1
IceWM: xinerama: 0 +0+0 1680x1050
IceWM: Another window manager already running, exiting...


我找到了一些解决方案,但很不舒服。我将系统更改runlevel为 3。这将禁用图形模式。当我处于文本模式时,我命令:

# which icewm
# xinit -e /path



=====编辑==== 我的Linux版本:

$ lsb_release -a
LSB Version:    :base-4.0-amd64:base-4.0-noarch:core-4.0-amd64:core-4.0-noarch:graphics-4.0-amd64:graphics-4.0-noarch:printing-4.0-amd64:printing-4.0-noarch
Distributor ID: CentOS
Description:    CentOS release 6.5 (Final)
Release:    6.5
Codename:   Final


我只能说这icewm-session是启动 IceWM 的推荐方法。它也在进行中... 到目前为止,我可以使用 启动它$ startx icewm-session,但我的全局 X 设置被 IceWM 默认值覆盖,并且一旦 IceWM 会话启动,默认情况下就会打开虚拟终端。要关闭会话,我必须在该终端中按 Ctrl+C,否则它会保持...

享受! ;)
