我已经在 VBA 代码表中写入了以下代码。
Private Sub Workbook_Open() MsgBox ("欢迎使用 Tracker," & Application.UserName) End Sub
结果是“欢迎来到 Tracker,Sakaray,Kiran”
我在其他地方找到了这个问题的答案,但我现在找不到那个参考资料,所以我将给你我目前正在使用的解决方案。对于我的项目,我希望每次用户打开工作簿时都会填充 UserAccess 工作表,但您可以轻松修改它以在每次用户访问工作表时更新工作表,如下所述。
如果您想要用户的 Excel 用户名,Application.UserName 就可以了。如果您想要他的 Windows 用户名,您必须在模块中放置一个函数来获取 Windows 用户名:
Declare PtrSafe Function Get_User_Name Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long
然后在 ThisWorkbook 中放入以下函数
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim wsTemp As Worksheet
Dim bFound As Boolean
Dim NxRow As Integer
'First check to see if the UserAccess sheet exists
For Each wsTemp In Worksheets
If wsTemp.Name Like "UserAccess" Then bFound = True: Exit For
'If it doesn't exist, add it
If bFound = False Then Sheets.Add.Name = "UserAccess"
With Sheets("UserAccess")
'I like to keep this sheet protected from users editing it, so I unprotect it here first
.Unprotect "t/c,Anm.QXz;D#9KL@Z$"
'Find the last empty row on this sheet
NxRow = .Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
'Fill the cells with data
.Cells(NxRow, 1).Value = Module1.GetUserName 'this is from the function in Module1
.Cells(NxRow, 2).Value = DateTime.Now
'Re-protect the sheet
.Protect "t/c,Anm.QXz;D#9KL@Z$", UserInterfaceOnly:=True
End With
End Sub
如果您希望在访问工作表时运行宏(正如您在问题中提到的那样),您可以修改上述函数并将其放在 VBA 中的工作表代码区域中:
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Dim NxRow As Integer
With ActiveSheet
'Find the last empty row on this sheet
NxRow = .Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
'Fill the rows with data
.Cells(NxRow, 1).Value = Application.UserName
.Cells(NxRow, 2).Value = DateTime.Now
End With
End Sub