在 Excel 中用一个单词替换相似的术语

在 Excel 中用一个单词替换相似的术语





预算 ----- 子预算 ---- 交易描述 ---- 金额
总裁 -- 领导 ----- 机票 -------------- $




  • 总统
  • 普雷斯
  • 反应性




这可能吗?这需要 VBA 吗,还是此功能在现有设置下内置?



我知道更改单元格中数据的唯一方法是通过 VBA。您的选择是使用您提到的隐藏字段或使用 VBA。无论哪种方式,您都需要一个表格来显示所有非官方术语以及相应的官方术语。

其余方法取决于哪个更重要:易于实施或成品外观。例如,如果您能够打印并显示官方术语确实很重要,或者您想确保您的用户在其他地方看到他们输入的内容,那么辅助列可能无法正常工作,您必须使用 VBA。


编辑:楼主同意 VBA 解决方案


  • 我有一个名为的隐藏工作表,WordTable其代号(在 VBA 中)是shtWordTable
  • 隐藏的工作表中有一个表格(如果你是老派的话,也可以是列表),其名称为tblWordTable
  • 该表有两个字段:NicknameProper Name
  • Nickname具有 Pres、P、pRez 等值(上帝保佑该用户)
  • Proper Name具有诸如 President、President 和 President 之类的值
  • 我有一个名为的可见工作表,Ledger其代号为shtLedger
  • 该工作表有一个名为tblLedger
  • 该表包含您在问题中提到的 4 个字段


使用该设置,进入 VBA 并可以Worksheet_Change在 内创建一个事件shtLedger。每次该工作表中的任何单元格中的数据发生变化时,都会触发该事件。我们会让它检查它是否在我们想要自动更正的范围内,如果是,则在 中寻找替代品WordTable。如果找到一个,我们会把它换掉。


Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

    Dim tbl As ListObject
    Dim rngAutocorrect As Range
    Dim rngFound As Range
    Dim cell As Range

    'Setup what cells we want to check for nicknames
    'It will error if the table has no data in it because DataBodyRange will be nothing
    On Error Resume Next
        Set rngAutocorrect = ListObjects("tblLedger").ListColumns("Budget").DataBodyRange
    On Error GoTo 0

    'If it did error out so there is no data in the table so we exit
    If rngAutocorrect Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

    'If you're not using a table, you can do something like this:
    ' Set rngAutocorrect = Range("A:A")
    'The only important thing is that you end up with a range object

    'If there are multiple areas to check, one method is to use Union to add them
    'You can also define them all at once, but the Union method trades longer code for easier debugging
    ' Set rngAutocorrect = Union(rngAutocorrect, ListObjects(1).ListColumns("Sub-Budget").DataBodyRange)
    ' Set rngAutocorrect = Union(rngAutocorrect, Range("B:B"))

    'Check if what was changed (Target) is within the range we want to Autocorrect
    If Not Intersect(Target, rngAutocorrect) Is Nothing Then
        'Store the lookup table in an easy-to-reference format
        Set tbl = shtWordTable.ListObjects("tblWordTable")

        'Target might be a range of cells if, for instance, they have pasted a lot of text in
        'Loop through each in turn
        For Each cell In Target.Cells
            'Check that this particular cell needs autocorrecting
            If Not Intersect(Target, rngAutocorrect) Is Nothing Then
                'Look for the value in the word table
                With shtWordTable.ListObjects(1)
                    'Change the parameters here if you want to match case or something
                    Set rngFound = .ListColumns("Nickname").DataBodyRange.Find( _
                        cell.Value, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False)
                    'If we found it, then grab the Proper Name
                    If Not rngFound Is Nothing Then
                        'Turn off events or else this code will trigger itself in an infinite loop
                        Application.EnableEvents = False

                        'Make the switch
                        cell.Value = rngFound.Offset(0, 1).Value

                        'Turn events back on
                        Application.EnableEvents = True
                    End If
                End With
            End If
    End If

    Set tbl = Nothing
    Set rngFound = Nothing
    Set rngAutocorrect = Nothing
    Set cell = Nothing

End Sub
