cisco vpn 客户端驱动程序错误

cisco vpn 客户端驱动程序错误

您好,我是 Windows 7 企业版用户,尝试连接到 Cisco AnyConnect 安全移动客户端,它给出“VPN 客户端驱动程序遇到错误”消息,随后是无法与指定网关建立安全连接的消息。这是我收到的错误日志。

[2/11/2015 12:24:02 PM] Posture Assessment: Active
[2/11/2015 12:24:02 PM] Posture Assessment: Initiating...
[2/11/2015 12:24:04 PM] Please enter your username and password.
[2/11/2015 12:24:23 PM] User credentials entered.
[2/11/2015 12:24:28 PM] Establishing VPN session...
[2/11/2015 12:24:32 PM] Checking for profile updates...
[2/11/2015 12:24:32 PM] Checking for product updates...
[2/11/2015 12:24:35 PM] Checking for customization updates...
[2/11/2015 12:24:35 PM] Performing any required updates...
[2/11/2015 12:24:35 PM] Establishing VPN session...
[2/11/2015 12:24:35 PM] Establishing VPN - Initiating connection...
[2/11/2015 12:24:38 PM] Establishing VPN - Examining system...
[2/11/2015 12:24:38 PM] Establishing VPN - Activating VPN adapter...
[2/11/2015 12:24:38 PM] Establishing VPN - Attempting to repair VPN adapter...
[2/11/2015 12:24:38 PM] Disconnect in progress, please wait...
[2/11/2015 12:24:41 PM] Connection attempt has failed.
[2/11/2015 12:24:43 PM] Ready to connect.




要修复此错误,请转到注册表项:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CVirtA并改变显示名称适用于 64 位 Windows 的 Cisco Systems VPN 适配器。任何名称都可以,只要它没有特殊字符即可。
