将代码从 gist 粘贴到 OneNote 2013 会出现多余的换行符。如何解决?

将代码从 gist 粘贴到 OneNote 2013 会出现多余的换行符。如何解决?

从 github gists 粘贴代码会在 OneNote 中插入额外的换行符。


// constexpr and Constant Expressions

const int flies = 20;         // OK

const int limit = flies+1;    // OK

int staff_size = 27;          // NOT a constant expression (no const)

const int sz = get_size();    // Not a constant expression, get_size() not known until runtime


// constexpr and Constant Expressions
const int flies = 20;         // OK
const int limit = flies+1;    // OK
int staff_size = 27;          // NOT a constant expression (no const)
const int sz = get_size();    // Not a constant expression, get_size() not known until runtime




  • 先从要点中复制代码并将其粘贴到 Microsoft Word,然后从那里复制并粘贴到 OneNote。也适用于 Visual Studio 中的代码。
