HPLIP 与 Acroread 不兼容,或者总体上不兼容?

HPLIP 与 Acroread 不兼容,或者总体上不兼容?

以前在同一系统上,HP 打印机与 acroread 配合使用时运行良好,但现在使用 acroread 时停止工作。

Gentoo 稳定版,运行 3.18.11。

打印机:通过以太网连接的 HP Officejet Pro 8100


我可以从 Firefox 和命令行打印,例如使用:

   echo "hello" | lpr

但是,从 acroread 打印却失败了。

在 /var/log/cups/access_log 中我只看到良性消息:

localhost - - [03/May/2015:14:49:07 +0200] "POST /printers/Officejet_Pro_8100 HTTP/1.1" 200 506 Create-Job successful-ok
localhost - - [03/May/2015:14:49:07 +0200] "POST /printers/Officejet_Pro_8100 HTTP/1.1" 200 209178 Send-Document successful-ok

对于 localhost:631 的 CUPS 也同样如此,没有错误表明存在任何问题。

对于 hplip 包含的基于 GUI 的工具来说也是如此,它显示打印机已收到作业并且处于“打印”状态,只是没有进行物理打印。

hplip 的使用标志:

 * Found these USE flags for net-print/hplip-3.14.10:
 U I
 + + X                        : Enables scanner GUI dependencies with USE="scanner" where media-gfx/xsane is preferred over media-gfx/sane-frontends
 + + doc                      : Build documentation
 - - fax                      : Enable fax on multifunction devices which support it
 + + hpcups                   : Build the hpcups driver for cups (by HP)
 + + hpijs                    : Build the IJS driver for cups (Foomatic)
 - - kde                      : Enables kde-misc/skanlite as scanner GUI with USE="scanner X"
 + + libnotify                : Enables desktop notifications
 - - libusb0                  : Depend on virtual/libusb:0. Some old printers do not work with virtual/libusb:1
 - - minimal                  : Only build internal hpijs/hpcups driver (not recommended at all, make sure you know what you are doing)
 - - parport                  : Enable parallel port for devices which require it
 + + policykit                : Enable PolicyKit authentication support
 + + python_targets_python2_7 : Build with Python 2.7
 + + qt4                      : Enable graphical interface using Qt 4
 - - scanner                  : Enable scanner on multifunction devices which support it
 + + snmp                     : Add support for net-analyzer/net-snmp which enables this driver to work over networks (both for server and client)
 - - static-ppds              : Use statically-generated PPDs instead of Dynamic PPDs. Although this is deprecated some printers may still need it
                                to work properly. Use this flag if hp-setup fails to find/create a valid PPD file

acroread 使用标志:

 + + html          : HTML support and help reading capability (only for x86).
 + + ldap          : Add LDAP support (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
 - - linguas_ja    : Japanese locale
 - - linguas_ko    : Korean locale
 - - linguas_zh_CN : Chinese locale for Peoples Republic of China
 - - linguas_zh_TW : Chinese locale for Taiwan
 + + nsplugin      : Build plugin for browsers supporting the Netscape plugin architecture (that is almost any modern browser)

hp-doctor 显示以下错误,但请注意,这些错误自打印机工作以来一直存在,我怀疑它们是否相关:

 error: avahi-utils   avahi-utils               OPTIONAL        -               -               MISSING    'avahi-utils needs to be installed'
 error: reportlab     Python-PDF-Lib            OPTIONAL        2.0             -               MISSING    'reportlab needs to be installed'

 error: pil           Python-Image-Lib          OPTIONAL        -               -               MISSING    'pil needs to be installed'


物理地打开和关闭打印机。使用另一台也运行 Gentoo 的计算机(结果相同,可以工作,但不能与 acroread 配合使用)。将 hpijs USE 标志添加到 hplip(以前不需要,现在似乎没什么区别)。

为什么这不起作用?是 acroread 的问题,还是 hplip 的问题,还是物理打印机的软件问题?
