我想在我的 MAMP 服务器上本地托管一个 wordpress 网站。这是我遵循的程序:1. 在网站上安装复制器插件并创建网站包。2. 从包中下载安装程序和存档文件以及 installer.php 文件。3. 使用 MAMP 服务器在 phpmyadmin 中创建数据库。4. 将存档文件和安装程序移动到 MAMP/Applications/htdocs 文件夹中。5. 尝试打开 localhost/foldername/installer.php。
执行完所有这些步骤后,出现错误,无法在本地运行。wordpress 已安装在本地主机上。建议解决此问题。
1. Export the database using phpmyadmin interface and save that as a .sql file.
2. Extract wordpress.zip file downloaded from wordpress.org to MAMP/htdocs.
3. Copy wp-content folder and wp_config.php from old site and Paste it under new wordpress folder.(Replace the files)
4. Create a database in new host with same database name and import the .sql file.
5. Goto localhost:8888 in your browser. (Before this, you need to change document root to this wordpress folder by using preferences in MAMP) You will get your site.
If you find any old urls in your site, (Broken urls to media items) You can do a search and replace in database using the following sql queries. Do this one by one inside your wordpress database.
UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = replace(guid, 'http://old-site','http://new-site');
UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, 'http://old-site', 'new-site');
UPDATE wp_postmeta SET meta_value = replace(meta_value,'old-site','new-site');